Use this tab to enter the general information needed to process this requisition.
Use this group box to enter information about the requisitioner.
Use this field to enter, or use to select, the employee ID of the requisitioner. The corresponding employee name displays in the unlabeled field on the right. As an alternative, you can use
in the unlabeled field to select an employee name, instead.
Use this field to enter, or use to select, the organization ID associated with this Requisitioner. This field defaults to the home organization of the requisitioner.
Use this field to enter, or use to select, the telephone number of the requisitioner. This defaults to the telephone number in the Employee table, but can be modified.
Use this field to enter, or use to select, the extension number of the requisitioner's Phone. This defaults to the extension in the Employee table, but can be modified.
Use this field to enter, or use to select, the identification code of the buyer you want to use for this requisition. The descriptive name for this buyer displays in the field to the right. The buyer must already exist in the Manage Buyers screen in Costpoint Purchasing, and must be linked to the appropriate project/account/organization combination. If not, Costpoint displays a message that the buyer is not authorized.
The defaulting logic is as follows, and depends on the buyer assignment method selected in requisition settings.
If P (Proj/Acct/Org), default BUYER_PROJ. BUYER_ID or BUYER_ORG_ACCT. BUYER_ID from row with DEFAULT_FL = Y corresponding to the project or account/org of requisition line. If the value is unavailable, use the default value from the header.
If V (Preferred Vendor), default BUYER_VEND. BUYER_ID corresponding to the Preferred Vendor on the requisition line. If the value is unavailable, use the default value from the header.
If I (Item/Misc Type), default ITEM.BUYER_ID corresponding to the requisition line item. If the value is unavailable, use the default value from the header.
If C (Commodity), default COMM.BUYER_ID corresponding to the requisition line item commodity code (ITEM.COMM_CD.) If the value is unavailable, use the default value from the header.
If M (Manual), use the default value from the requisition header.
If The Configure Purchase Requisition Settings application does not allow buyer override for the associated company, this field remains non-modifiable and is based on the requisition settings buyer assignment code.
Select this check box to indicate that the requisition is for creating subcontractor agreements. If this is selected, requisition lines can only be generated into PO of type Subcontractor Agreement, Subcontractor Agreement Blanket, or Subcontractor Agreement Release. If the requisition is specified as a Subcontractor Agreement, Subcontractor Agreement Blanket, or Subcontractor Agreement Release, lookup result on Buyer will not include those who are not authorized to enter at least one of these PO types.
Select this check box to combine this requisition with other requisitions having the same vendor and buyer onto one purchase order. This check box may already be selected, depending on the setup in the Requisition Settings screen, but you can clear it to disable the combine feature for this requisition.
If this check box is selected, the requisition has been printed. As long as this check box remains selected, a duplicate message displays on any reprints of this requisition. Clear this check box to disable the duplicate message on any reprints of this requisition.
Use this field to enter, or use to select, the requisition creation date. This field's value defaults to the system date, but can be modified.
Use this field to enter, or use to select, the date on which the buyer must generate the purchase order in order to receive the requisitioned item by the requested date.
This field displays the date when the requisition was entered or last updated.
This field displays the date on which this requisition is assigned to a buyer. This field defaults to the current date if a buyer was manually assigned.
Use this field to enter, or use to select, the procurement type code for this item. Procurement types serve two purposes: you can use them to categorize requisition lines, and to instruct buyers on how many quotes should be obtained before the requisition line is generated into a purchase order.
This field displays the sum of the Est Sales Tax/VAT Amt for all requisition lines.
This field displays the sum of the Total Est Cost Amt for all requisition lines.