Use this subtask to set up additional charges for a line item. The charge type amounts are rolled up and added to the total line amount for that line item. This subtask is disabled for subcontract purchase orders.

Purchase Order ID, Release, Line, Description, Total Line Amt

These fields display the values from the main screen.

Table Window


Enter, or click to select, the charge type code for this item. Establish charge types on the Manage Line Charge Types screen.


This field displays the code description.


Enter the amount for this charge type.


The taxable status for this charge type defaults from the taxable status assigned in the PO Line Charge Types screen. Y (Yes) indicates that tax is calculated for this charge type. N (No) indicates it is non-taxable.

Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This column displays the sales tax/VAT Amount for any taxable line charges. This amount is based on line charge amount and the corresponding PO line's sales tax/VAT rate.