Use this screen to enter actual quantities against a predefined physical or cycle count. You must use to access the predefined physical or cycle counts. Use this screen whenever a physical count has taken place.



Count ID

This field displays the count ID for the count selected which you cannot modify.


This field displays the warehouse for the count selected which you cannot modify.

Count Details

Count Date

Enter, or click to select, the date when the physical count is to take place.

Control Prefix

This field displays the prefix to be attached to all control numbers for a physical/cycle count. This is entered on the Create Physical Counts screen.


Enter, or click to select, the employee ID who is performing this count.

Default Adjustment Reason

Enter, or click to select, the quantity adjustment reason code to default to all lines with an actual count entered.

Auto Count

Click this button to have Costpoint enter Actual Count Qty, equal to Pre-Count Qty, for all lines that had not yet been counted. This will also automatically enter Yes in the Counted and Reconciled columns for those lines. If you clear the Auto load Actual Count Qty with Pre-Count Qty check box on the Configure Inventory Settings screen, this button will be disabled.

Auto Reconcile

Click this button to have Costpoint set all count and reconciliation flags to Yes for lines with an actual count.

Table Window

For existing lines, only the following columns can be modified:

As you enter or tab through the Actual Count Qty field for the line, the following actions will occur:

Control No

The control number is automatically generated from the Starting Control No on the Create Physical Counts screen, but you can modify this when adding a new line.


Enter, or click to select, the part ID of the item to be counted.


The last revision assigned to the part ID selected automatically displays; however, you can enter, or click to select, another revision that exists for this part ID.


The description of the part selected will automatically display and cannot be modified.


The inventory unit of measure for the part selected will automatically display and cannot be modified.

Inventory Abbrev

Enter, or click to select, the inventory abbreviation to be counted.


Enter, or click to select, the location ID to be counted.

Total Pre-Count Qty for Part/Location

The pre-count quantity for the actual location displays automatically.

Actual Count Qty

Enter the actual physical quantity counted for this count line.

Pre-Count Qty

The pre-count quantity for this part displays automatically.

Variance Qty

The variance quantity for this count line will be calculated and displayed in this field. The variance quantity is the Actual Count Qty less the Pre-Count Qty. The Variance Qty will become the adjustment quantity. If the Tolerance percent is not zero, Costpoint divides the Variance Qty by the Pre-Count Qty and multiplied the result by 100. If the result is less than or equal to the Tolerance percent, the Variance Qty is set to zero. The Variance Qty can be modified.


This field displays the count tolerance percentage for this part. The tolerance percentage is assigned to the part in the Tolerance field on the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition, and it defaults based on the ABC code. Subsequently, tolerance percentages are assigned to ABC codes on the Update ABC Classifications screen.


Yes displays if an actual count has been entered for this count line. Otherwise, it display No. When increasing a count on an existing record where the Counted field is No and the Auto load Actual Count Qty with Pre-Count Qty check box is selected on the Configure Inventory Settings screen, the Actual Count Qty will be set equal to the Pre-Count Qty, and the Variance Qty will be set to zero. If the Auto load Actual Count Qty with Pre-Count Qty check box is clear, the Auto-Count button is disabled, and all actual count quantities will be set to zero.


Select Yes from the drop-down list to indicate that this line is ready for processing. Select No to prevent adjustment creation.

Adj Reason

Enter, or click to select, the adjustment reason code that describes the cause of this adjustment.

Counted By

This field displays the employee ID of the counter.

Material Unit Cost

Click to select, the direct material unit cost amount to be allocated.

Material Burden Cost

This field displays the burden material unit cost.

Labor Unit Cost

Click to select, the direct labor unit cost to be allocated.

Labor Burden Cost

This field displays the burden labor unit cost.

Subcontract Unit Cost

Click to select the direct subcontract unit cost.

Subcontract Burden Cost

This field displays the burden subcontract unit cost.

Misc 1 Unit Cost

Click to select, the direct miscellaneous 1 unit cost.

Misc 1 Burden Cost

This field displays the burden miscellaneous 1 unit cost.

Misc 2 Unit Cost

Click to select the direct miscellaneous 2 unit cost.

Misc 2 Burden Cost

This field displays the burden miscellaneous 2 unit cost.

Total Unit Cost

The total of all cost elements entered displays as the total unit cost for this part.

Load Costs

Click this button to load current cost date for the part and inventory abbreviation.




Serial/Lot Info

Click this link to open the Serial/Lot Info subtask to enter and assign new serial and lot numbers.