Use this screen to establish control parameters and default information and customize your use of Costpoint Inventory. Some of these defaults are also used as defaults in other modules in Materials.

Set up this screen when initializing Costpoint and before processing inventory transactions. Maintain it whenever you need to modify control parameters.


Cost Options

Roll-Up PO Charges in Material Cost (Expense Inv Only)

Select this check box if PO line charges are to be rolled up into inventory material cost. If you select this check box, all PO line charges will be rolled up and added to the unit cost of the part. To cost a line charge type separately, you must enter it as its own line item in the purchase order. If you clear this check box, only the net unit cost is used as the inventory material cost.

Report Elements of Material Cost

Select this check box to show all cost elements of the inventory cost on reports. A cost element refers to the breakdown of material cost, labor costs, subcontract costs, and miscellaneous costs as well as each of their applicable burdens. If you clear this check box, all charges are combined into one cost when printed.

WIP Variance by Cost Elements (for Average Actual Costing)

Select this check box if MO WIP variance is broken down into more detailed cost elements.


This group box displays default costing and project cost roll-up information.

Costing Method

Select the costing method for inventory parts, either Standard or Average Actual. This gets its value from the costing method on the Manage Inventory Projects (INMPROJ) screen and defaults to Average Actual.

Standard Cost Valuation

If you used the standard costing method, use this drop-down list to select the determination of the standard cost. Options are:

Calculate Labor Efficiency Variance

Select this check box to calculate labor costs using routing standard hours and labor operation standard rate. If selected, labor efficiency is calculated based on the routing operation standard hours multiplied by labor operation standard rate. This check box defaults to a similar item on the Manage Inventory Projects screen and where you can change the value, if needed.

Post Project WIP Variance

Select this check box to post asset variance for a project, even if the project is not specified as common inventory. This check box defaults to a similar option on the Manage Inventory Projects screen and where you can change the value, if needed.

Project Cost Roll-Up within Same Top-Level Project

Select the default method to account for project expenses when issues are posted. Projects with asset accounts roll up to all levels.

Roll-Up All Parts

Select this option to have costs roll up to the highest project level. All costs are rolled up during issues.

Roll-Up Buy Parts Only

Select this option to have purchased part costs roll up one project level only. This option has the costs of purchased materials and components rolled up during issues.

No Roll-Up

Select this option to have raw material costs remain within the project level in which they were originally expensed.

Inter-Project Issue/Adjustment Option Defaults

Use this group box to determine the control parameter defaults for allowing issues and adjustments between and among projects.

No Issues/Adjustments Outside Project

Select this option to prevent issues and adjustments outside of the from project.

Allow Issues/Adjustments Within Same Netting Group

Select this option to allow issues and adjustments within the same netting group.

Allow Issues/Adj Within Same Top-Level Project Only

Select this option to allow issues and adjustments within the same top-level project as the from project.

Allow Inter-Project Issues/Adjustments

Select this option to allow issues and adjustments from one project to another.

Inventory Allocations

Allow Inventory Allocations

Select this check box to allow inventory to be allocated against reservations. If selected, the Tracking and Reservations group boxes become editable.


Serial tracked parts

Select this check box to allow inventory allocations for serial tracked parts.

Lot tracked parts

Select this check box to allow inventory allocations for lot tracked parts.

Non-tracked parts

Select this check box to allow inventory allocations for non-tracked parts.


Manufacturing Orders

Select this check box to allow inventory allocations to manufacturing order reservations.

Inventory Issues

Select this check box to allow inventory allocations to inventory issue reservations.

Include Firm Planned MOs

Select this check box to allow inventory allocations to firm planned manufacturing order reservations.

Include Issue Requests

Select this check box to allow inventory allocations to pending inventory issue reservations.

Sales Orders

Select this check box to allow inventory allocations to sales order reservations.

Inventory Transfers

Select this check box to allow inventory allocations to inventory transfer reservations.

Purchase Orders

Select this check box to allow inventory allocations to purchase order reservations.

Include Transfer Requests

Select this check box to allow inventory allocations to pending inventory transfer reservations.

Other Settings

Inventory Recognition Point

Enter, or click to select the level at which the material accrues as inventory. The system-defined points are as follows:

Last Cost Adj Transaction ID

Enter the last transaction ID for cost adjustments. Costpoint increases the number of the last transaction ID by one.

To have transactions generate in correct numeric order, you must select a ceiling number not to exceed 10-digits. For example, if the highest number desired is 9999999999, enter zero as 0000000000; or if the highest number desired is IS-9999, and the last Transaction ID used was IS-124, that number should be entered as IS-0124.

The system assigned transaction ID always increments from the right and only if the right most character is numeric (not alphabetic). For example, IS794123 becomes IS794124; 94-01234 becomes 94-01235; and IS9999999A does not increment.

Auto load Actual Count Qty with Pre-Count Qty

Select this check box to automatically load the actual count with the pre-count when a physical count is performed. If you clear this check box, the pre-count is not automatically loaded into the actual count.

ABC Classification by Warehouse

Select this check box to enable warehouse level ABC classification for a given company. When this option is selected, parts can have different ABC classification codes for different warehouses. Cycle count frequencies and tolerances can also vary by warehouse.

Allow Issues to PO/Transfers between Finished Goods and Raw Materials

Select this check box to allow issues (issues to PO only and not issues to PAO), and transfers between finished goods to raw materials and vice versa. If you clear this check box (default), issues and transfers will not be allowed.

Allow Issues from On-Hold type Locations

Select this check box to allow inventory issues from On-Hold type locations.  If you select this check box, transactions will be allowed but a warning will be displayed. If you clear this check box, a transaction error will occur.

Allow Common Stock sourced from a Non-Common Inventory Project

Select this check box to allow common stock inventory abbreviation value from a project that is not specified as common inventory.

Update Units Usage History

Use the selections in this group box to update units that are used in the inventory of projects.

No Update

Select  this option to indicate that units usage history is not updated.

Update All

Select this option to update units usage history for all units issued to projects.

Update for Units Billing Projects

Select this option to have units updated for all projects that bill by unit.

Adjustment Approval

This group box displays various options that pertain to Costpoint Inventory, including the approval threshold and password for adjustments. The options in this group box do not apply to inventory transfers.

Approval Amount Threshold

Enter the dollar amount equal to or above the amount for which internal password approval is requested for quantity, scrap, and cost adjustments. If the dollar amount is zero, no approval is required.

Local Approval Password

Enter the password that is requested before a user can perform quantity, scrap, and cost adjustments in any of the applications under the Adjustments menu, when the transaction value is equal to or greater than the dollar approval amount specified. This field is required when the Approval Amount Threshold field displays a dollar approval amount greater than zero.