List View

List View automatically displays for the Manage Leads and Contacts and Opportunities Quick View screens in mobile devices when viewed in portrait mode.

Unlike in Table and Form Views that display more details for a single record, in List View, the records display in a consolidated list.

In Manage Leads and Contacts, two lines of information display per record:

  • First line: Lead/contact name (in the format "Last Name, First Name")
  • Second line: Company name (if existing)

The list is alphabetically arranged in the ascending order based on the employees' last names.

In Opportunities Quick View, three lines are included:

  • First line: Opportunity name
  • Second line: Opportunity ID and opportunity stage (in the format "ID, stage")
  • Third line: Primary customer name

Opportunity records are arranged in the ascending order based on the opportunity ID.

In portrait mode, List View is the default view which cannot be changed to Table or Form View. You can tap the record to access more details in Form View, and tap Done to return to List View.

When you shift to landscape mode, Costpoint presents data in Table View but retains the query results you were accessing from the List View. Here, you can switch between Table and Form Views.

Note: List View is enabled only for the Manage Leads and Contacts and Opportunities Quick View screens, which are available in Costpoint 8.0.