Use this screen to release manufacturing bills of materials (MBOMs) that have been set up in the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material screen and to modify existing MBOMs.

This screen is essentially the same in appearance as the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material screen. If you selected the Use Separate MBOM Release Function check box in the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen, you must use this screen to release existing unreleased MBOM assemblies and component line items. However, you can add (but not release) new component lines to unreleased MBOMs in the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material screen. If you did not select the Use Separate MBOM Release Function check box, you can maintain and release an existing MBOM in both this screen and the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material screen. You can also release multiple MBOMs in the Release Multiple Manufacturing Bills of Material screen.

If you selected the Release Mfg BOM check box in the Configure Engineering Change Notice Settings screen in Costpoint Engineering Change Notices, you can release MBOMs only in the Maintain Engineering Change Notices screen. If you selected the Modify Released Mfg BOM check box, you will be able to make the majority of modifications to released MBOMs only in the Maintain Engineering Change Notices screen.

Upon entering this screen, you are prompted to select MBOMs you want to view and edit. Use the Manufacturing BOM dialog box to search Costpoint for specific MBOMs by assembly part, revision, description, or BOM exist flag. If you search for a specific MBOM, this field displays in form view. If you use a wildcard to search for multiply MBOMs, this screen displays in table view. You can switch between the form and table view by clicking or .



Use this block to manage basic information about the assembly part for an MBOM.

Assembly Part

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the assembly part.


Use this field to enter, or click to select, the assembly part's revision.


Use this field to enter, or click to select, the description of the assembly part.

Part Security

This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the assembly part is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the part you are accessing is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that part:

If you are unauthorized to access assembly parts or revisions that are subject to data security restrictions, then you will not be able to create or edit BOMs that contain restricted assembly parts or revisions.

The features in this release relating to Part Data Security are intended to assist your company in achieving ITAR compliance. However, it is each company’s responsibility to confirm that it is meeting its obligations with respect to ITAR or other applicable requirements. Deltek does not warrant that use of this functionality will result in compliance.

Assembly Details


This field displays Make if this assembly part is manufactured or Buy if it is purchased.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure for this assembly part.


This field displays Y (Yes) if the assembly part is active. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).


Use this field to enter, or use to select, a valid Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code that you want to assign to this assembly part.

ECN Pending

Select this check box to display a pending engineering change notice for this assembly part.

Part Type

This field displays the classification of this assembly part. The various types are:

Part Status

Use this drop-down list to select the status of this assembly part. The available options are:

For most parts, this assembly part's status must be Released, Obsolete, or Phase-out before the MBOM Status can be Released. The status for master production scheduling (MPS) planning-only parts must always be set to Estimating.

MBOM Status

Use this drop-down list to select the status of the MBOM. The available options are:

This status controls the use of the MBOM in material planning. If you selected the Use Separate MBOM Release Function check box in the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen, this field defaults to Unreleased and can be modified only in the Release Manufacturing Bills of Material screen.

An assembly part cannot have an MBOM Status of Released if there are unreleased components (the Component Released check box is cleared) or unreleased subassemblies (a separate assembly part with its own MBOM Status, Part Status, and components at a lower level). Unreleased lower-level assemblies must have a Released BOM status before the higher-level assemblies can be released on any given multi-level MBOM.

Release Components

Click this button to release all unreleased assembly parts.

You cannot use this button if you selected the Use Separate MBOM Release Function check box in the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen.


Use this field to enter the estimated yield (%) of a manufacturing order for this assembly part for planning purposes. Valid values are from 0.00 to 999.99.

Default Component Lead Time Offset

Use this field to enter the default number of days by which the assembly lead time can be reduced for picking this assembly part.


Use this field to enter additional miscellaneous information for this assembly part relating to the MBOM.





Click this link to open the Configuration subtask and view and/or edit the configuration identifiers the selected assembly part.

Assembly Serial Numbers

Click this link to open the Assembly Serial Numbers subtask and view the configuration serial numbers for the selected assembly part.

Part Documents

Click this link to open the Part Documents subtask and view documents associated with selected assembly part.

Clone MBOM Lines

Click this link to open the Clone MBOM Lines subtask and MBOM lines for the selected assembly part.

Table Window

This table window lists all component parts linked to the selected assembly part. You can add, edit, or delete component parts in this table window.

If you selected the Use Separate MBOM Release Function check box in the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen, you can add to or modify unreleased component lines for unreleased MBOM assemblies in this table window, but you can release them only in the Release Manufacturing Bills of Material screen. The Component Released check box for newly added component lines will default based on the setting in the Default Component Release Status in Bill group box (for MBOMs) in the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen. If you did not select the Use Separate MBOM Release Function check box, you can release components (along with the MBOM assembly) in this table window.

Line No

Use this field to enter a sequence number for this component part. This indicates the order in which this component part will display in reports and inquiries.

When you click , Costpoint automatically assigns a sequence number for the new line. You can modify this value as you prefer. You can reuse a line number if it represents a different effective date or configuration ID.

Find No

Use this field to enter a drawing find number for this component part.

When you click , Costpoint automatically assigns a find number for the new line. You can modify this value as you prefer.

Component Part

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the valid component part ID you want to link with the selected assembly part.

You can only use MPS planned part as a component if the assembly part is also an MPS planned part.


Use this field to enter of click to select, the component part's revision.


Use this drop-down list to select Make if this component part is to be manufactured or Buy if it is to be purchased.

Component MBOM Release Status

If this component part is a subassembly, this field displays the release status of the BOM. If the component part has its own MBOM assembly (the MBOM Exists field displays Y), this field displays the release status for that assembly level. If the MBOM Exists field is N, this field is left blank.

Quantity Type

Use this drop-down list to select this component's quantity type code. This field indicates how component requirements are calculated. The available options are:


Use this field to enter the number of component parts you want to use in this BOM.

If a component part has an inventory, or default, unit of measure of EA, only fractional quantities will be rounded up when exploding BOM requirements, unless the assembly part is an MPS Planning-Only part.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure for this component part.

Component Type

Use the drop-down list to select this component's type code. The available options are:


Use this field to enter, or click to select, the configuration ID you want to assign to this component part.

If you did not select the Use Configuration IDs check box in the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen, this field is hidden.

Component Released

Select the check box to release this component part in this MBOM. This check box must be selected for all component parts before you can release the MBOM assembly.

If the component part is an MBOM subassembly (the MBOM Exists field is Y), this field will display the MBOM status for the subassembly.

Effective Starting Date

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the date on which this component part starts its effect on this BOM.

Effective Ending Date

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the date on which this component part ends its effect on this BOM.

Component Description

This field displays the component part's description.

Component Comments

Use this field to enter additional miscellaneous information for this component related to this BOM.

Product Option

Use this field to enter, or click to select, the product option code for this component.

The product option code allows you to assign specific components as alternatives for this component part. You can establish product options using the Manage Product Options screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

MBOM Exists

This field displays Y (Yes) if this component part is a subassembly. Otherwise, this field displays N (No).

Component Part Release Status

This field displays the part status of this component part. If this component part has its own MBOM assembly (the MBOM Exists field is Y), this field displays the part status for that MBOM subassembly. If the MBOM Exists field is N (no subassembly exists), this field displays the part status from the Manage Parts screen. The Component Released check box must be selected (released), before the MBOM Status can be Released and saved.

Configuration Description

This field displays the description for this component part's configuration. If you did not select the Use Configuration IDs check box in the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen, this field is hidden.

Component Released Date

This field displays the date and time on which this component was released on this MBOM if the Component Released check box is selected. Otherwise, this field left blank.

Last ECN

This field displays the date of the last engineering change notice for this component part. This field is disabled if you are using Costpoint Engineering Change Notices.


Use this field to enter the CAGE code you want to assign to this component part.


Use this field to enter, or click to select, the warehouse ID you want to assign as the default backflush location for this component part.


Use this field to enter, or click to select, the default location of the warehouse assigned to this component part. If the Part/Project Default Location option is selected in the Configure Receiving Settings screen in Costpoint Receiving, the warehouse location defaults to the Acceptance Location field for this part in the Manage Purchase Order Receipts screen in Costpoint Receiving.


Use this field to enter the percentage of this component part that you expect to lose when manufacturing this assembly.

Stop Explosion

Select this check box to indicate that the BOM explosion should not proceed to the next lower level of the subassembly. This check box is automatically cleared for standard components. However, the initial value of this field is based on the component type for the line.

Omit Requirements

Select this check box to indicate that the quantity requirements of that component is to be omitted during the BOM explosion. This check box will be clear for standard components; however, the initial value of this field is based on the component type for the line.

Lead Time Days

This field displays the number of days applicable to the lead time type.

Lead Time Offset Days

Use this field to enter the component lead time offset, in days. This value will be used to determine when the component will be required on manufacturing orders (MOs).

Work Center

Use this field to enter, or click to select, a work center to which this component is to be issued to when building the assembly.

Work Center Description

This field displays the work center's description.

BOM Link Key

Use this field to enter a BOM line key for this component part.




Product Option Items

Click this link to open the Product Option Items subtask and view and assign product options that can be used to replace the selected component part.

Reference Designators

Click this link to open the Reference Designators subtask and enter reference designators for the selected component part.

Component Text

Click this link to open the Component Text subtask and view/edit standard text codes assigned to the selected component part.

Alternate Parts

Click this link to open the Alternate Parts subtask and view alternate parts assigned to the selected component part.

Substitute Parts

Click this link to open the Substitute Parts subtask and view substitute parts assigned to the selected component part.

Part Documents

Click this button to open the Parts Document subtask and view documents associated with the selected component part.