Field Descriptions



Match Receipts/Update

What can I do in this subtask?

Use this subtask to view invoice quantities matched to existing receipts.

Invoice quantities are matched against "receiving" receipts in this subtask. The accounts receivable clerk, for example, can view all receipts (specific to the product or service) and match receipts to the invoice quantities for payment to the vendor.

When should I use this subtask?

You can use this subtask to view invoice quantities matched to existing receipts, as needed.

Field Descriptions


This field displays the requisition ID.

The requisition ID is a unique alphanumeric combination used to identify the requisition. This alphanumeric combination is used throughout Costpoint to identify or reference the requisition.


This field displays the requisition status.

System-defined status types include:

Trans Currency

This field displays the requisition transaction currency code.

Req Line

This field displays the requisition line number.

Line Status

This field displays the line status.

System-defined status types include:


This field displays the order type.

The system-defined types are "Purchase Orders," "Blanket Orders," and "Release Orders."


This field displays the purchase order number.


This field displays the release number, if the order pertains to the release of a blanket order.

"Purchase Orders," "Blanket Orders," and "Release Orders" represent system-defined order types.

PO Line

This field displays the purchase order line number.

PO Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency code assigned to the purchase order. All monetary amounts in this screen, generally, are in terms of this currency.


This field displays the voucher number.

Voucher Line

This field displays the line number of the voucher.

Vendor Invoice

This field displays the vendor invoice number.

Invoice Date

This field displays the voucher date.

Pay Currency

This field displays the pay currency.

Table Window


This field displays the purchase order receipt number.

Receipt Date

This field displays the purchase order receipt date.

Packing Slip

This field displays the vendor packing slip number.

Matched Quantity

This field displays invoice quantity matched to the receipt.

Received Quantity

This field displays the received quantity (PO U/M) from the purchase order receipt.

Accepted Quantity

This field displays the accepted quantity (PO U/M) from the purchase order receipt.

Rejected-Pay Quantity

This field displays the rejected quantity from the purchase order receipt with pay disposition.

Rejected-Return Quantity

This field displays the rejected quantity from the purchase order receipt with replace disposition.

Rejected-Credit Quantity

This field displays the rejected quantity from the purchase order receipt with credit disposition.


Select this pushbutton to close or hide the subtask.

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