Use this subtask to access requisition lines and assign purchase order numbers.
This subtask displays the Ready for PO checkbox. Until you select this checkbox, the requisition line item will remain in a "wait" state and cannot be generated into a purchase order. After you select this checkbox, an internal flag is set, indicating that a purchase order can be created.
Additionally, if you selected the System radio button in the PO Numbering Method group box of the Purchasing Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials), you must also select the Auto-Assign PO checkbox to systematically assign purchase order numbers.
This subtask displays the Autoload pushbutton. This pushbutton allows you to populate the subtask with data from the header record. Before you can use this option, you must enter a vender ID, and the requisition must have an "Approved" status.
This subtask also displays the Exchange Rates subtask, which allows you to view the transaction and functional currency associated with the requisition.
You must enter information in this subtask before you can generate a purchase order line using the Create Purchase Orders application (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Requisitions).
If you select the Autoload pushbutton, a vendor ID must exist in the Vendor field in order for the table window to populate appropriately; in addition, you must have established the buyer ID in the main screen before you can assign any purchase order line information in this subtask.
Enter the requisition line number to be referenced against the purchase order data you are creating.
The requisition lines will automatically load when you select the Autoload pushbutton.
When adding a new line, enter the Req Line number and tab to the next field to populate the table window.
Select this checkbox to indicate that this assigned line is eligible to be created into a purchase order line.
If you do not select this checkbox, this assigned line will not be generated into a purchase order line when you process data in the Create Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Requisitions).
Select this check box to auto-assign the purchase order ID for this assigned line.
The system will assign the next purchase order number.
If you do not select this checkbox, you must assign a purchase order ID manually before you can generate this purchase order line.
Vendor *
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 12 alphanumeric characters to identify the vendor for this assigned purchase order line.
The data in the Lookup originates from the Vendor User Flow screen (Materials\Maintain\Vendors).
This non-editable field displays the vendor name.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the purchase order unit of measure, if different from the requisition unit of measure, in which the vendor will deliver the items.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the number of the PO to be assigned to this line when the PO is generated.
If you selected the Auto-Assign PO checkbox and selected the "Assign Now" option from the Assign PO Option drop-down box in the main screen, the system assigns purchase order IDs in accordance with the PO Numbering Method established in the Purchasing Settings screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
If you did not select the Auto-Assign PO checkbox, the Assign PO Option field should display "Manual," and you must enter a purchase order ID number before generating a purchase order line.
Note: Note: If you have selected Manual as the purchase order numbering method in the Purchasing Settings screen, Costpoint will be unable to assign a PO ID. As a consequently, a purchase order will not be created. Change the numbering method to "System" or "Buyer" to remedy this issue. |
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the release number.
If you do not enter data in this field, the system will assign this number for you.
The PO release ID represents a reference to a blanket order release number. This field is only populated if the purchase order ID is associated with a blanket order.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a blanket PO line number to associate with this requisition line.
This non-editable field displays the purchase order line number information.
Enter the purchase order quantity, in the purchase order unit of measure, to be delivered by this vendor for this requisitioned line item.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 10 alphanumeric characters to identify the order address ID for this vendor.
This non-editable field displays the quantity to be requisitioned for this line item in the requisition line unit of measure.
This non-editable field displays the unassigned quantity.
This value is calculated by subtracting the order quantity of each assigned purchase order line from the requisitioned quantity.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the vendor quote ID that was used as a source for this requisitioned line item.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the vendor quote line number that was used as a source for this requisitioned line item.
This non-editable field displays purchase order creation information.
A "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) displays in this non-editable field to indicate whether or not the purchase order/purchase order line has been created using the Create Purchase Orders screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Requisitions).
If this field displays "Y" (Yes), all fields in the Exchange Rates subtask will be disabled.
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, the date by which the ordered item is due to be delivered. You must enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
The requisitioner's requested date defaults into this field.
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, the date that the ordered item is desired for delivery. You must enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY format.
This data defaults from the requisition line requested date.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ship ID where the requisitioned item will be delivered.
Enter the shipping method to be used by the vendor.
This non-editable field displays the transaction currency code that is specified for the requisition in the Exchange Rates subtask.
Negotiated Gross Unit Cost Amt
Enter the negotiated gross unit cost the vendor is charging for this requisitioned line item.
This cost is based on the awarded quote line you selected, but can be modified as needed.
Enter the negotiated discount percentage the vendor is offering on this purchase order.
This cost is based on the awarded quote line you selected, but can be modified as needed.
Enter the negotiated net unit cost the vendor will charge for these items on the new purchase order.
This cost is based on the awarded quote line you selected, but can be modified as needed.
Negotiated Extended Cost Amount
Enter the negotiated extended amount for this purchase order line.
This field displays the negotiated extended cost calculated as the sum of the PO Quantity (Req U/M) times the Negotiated Net Unit Cost Amt, and is non-editable when the requisitioned line item is a part or good. You can enter the negotiated extended cost if the requisitioned line item is a service or miscellaneous type.
This non-editable field displays the taxable status for this requisitioned line item.
If a "Y" (Yes) displays in this field, the item is taxable. If an "N" (No) displays in this field, the item is non-taxable.
This non-editable field displays the sales tax/value added tax amount for this assigned line amount, if the data in the Taxable field displays "Y" (Yes).
This non-editable field displays the purchase order line total amount for this assigned line amount.
This value includes the extended line amount, sales tax/value added tax, and requisition line charge amounts.
Func Curr Negotiated Gross Unit Cost Amt
This non-editable field displays the negotiated gross unit cost in functional currency.
The system calculates this field by multiplying the value in the Negotiated Gross Unit Cost Amt field by the value in the Trans to Func field in the Exchange Rates subtask.
Func Curr Negotiated Net Unit Cost Amt
This non-editable field displays the negotiated net unit cost in functional currency.
The system calculates this field by multiplying the data in the Negotiated Net Unit Cost Amt field by the value in the Trans to Func field in the Exchange Rates subtask.
Func Curr Negotiated Extended Cost Amt
This non-editable field displays the negotiated extended cost in functional currency.
The system calculates this field by multiplying the value in the Negotiated Extended Cost Amt field by the value in the Trans to Func field in the Exchange Rates subtask.
This non-editable field displays the sales tax/value added tax amount in the functional currency.
The system calculates this field by multiplying the value in the Sales Tax/VAT Amt field by the value in the Trans to Func field in the Exchange Rates subtask.
This non-editable field displays the purchase order line total amount in the functional currency.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 10 alphanumeric characters to identify the manufacturer ID of the purchased.
The data in the Lookup originates from the Manufacturers (Materials\Maintain\Manufacturers) or the Alternate Parts screen (Materials\Maintain\Items).
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 30 alphanumeric characters to identify the manufacturer part number for this requisitioned part.
This cost is based on the awarded quote line you selected, but can be modified as needed.
The data in the Lookup originates from the Alternate Parts screen (Materials\Maintain\Items).
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the revision of the manufacturer part for this requisitioned part.
This cost is based on the awarded quote line you selected, but can be modified as needed.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the vendor part for this requisitioned part.
This cost is based on the awarded quote line you selected, but can be modified as needed.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the revision of the vendor part for this requisitioned part.
This cost is based on the awarded quote line you selected, but can be modified as needed.
Select this pushbutton to automatically load this data onto the purchase order.
Select this pushbutton to close or hide the subtask.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Select this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask, where you can add, edit or view currency information. This option is not available if you did not purchase the Multicurrency module.