Use the fields in this subtask to charge specific project, accounts, and/or organizations against specific requisition lines.
This information will default onto every new purchase order line created from this requisition line.
Costpoint examines each the project/account/organization combination you select to ensure its validity.
You can use the fields in this subtask to charge project/account/organization combinations to requisition lines.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 30 alphanumeric characters to identify a project ID.
The data in the Lookup originates from the Project User Flow screen (Projects\Maintain\Project).
Requisition costs will be charged to the project you select.
The system will validate that the project ID is active and linked to the data in the Account field in this subtask.
This non-editable field displays the project name.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to six alphanumeric characters to identify a project abbreviation.
If you have already selected a project, the project abbreviation will automatically display in this field.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 15 alphanumeric characters to identify the account.
The data in the Lookup originates from the Accounts screen (Accounting\Maintain\Accounts).
This ID represents the account receiving the charges for this line item.
The system will validate that this ID is active, is not a summary account (an accounting summary of net dollars), and allows charges for the fiscal, period, and subperiod associated with this requisition.
If the requisition line is associated with a miscellaneous line charge and no account, organization or inventory abbreviation information exists, the account associated with the miscellaneous line type will default into this field from the PO Line Charge Types screen, contingent upon whether or not a project exists.
This non-editable field displays the account name.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to six alphanumeric characters to identify a project account abbreviation, if necessary.
If you have already selected a Proj Abbrev, it will be automatically display in this field.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 20 alphanumeric characters to identify the organization.
The data in the Lookup originates from the Organization Elements screen (Accounts\Maintain\Organization)
This ID represents the organization that will receive charges for this requisition line item.
The system will validate that the organization ID you select is active, and that the account/organization combination is valid and allows charging for the fiscal year, period and subperiod.
This field displays the organization name.
This non-editable field displays the organization abbreviation, if you entered data in the Organization field.
Enter the allocation percentage to charge the project/account/organization you selected.
The default value for the first line is 100%. You can modify this value or delete it entirely; in addition, you can choose not to enter a value in this field. Instead, you can enter a dollar amount in the Allocated Amount field.
If you did not enter a percentage in the Allocation field, specify the dollar amount of this line item to be charged to the selected project/account/organization.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the reference information.
Reference information was established in the Accounting domain and can be used for reporting purposes.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the reference information.
Reference information was established in the Accounting domain and can be used for reporting purposes.
Select this pushbutton to close or hide the subtask.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Changes to this screen update the RQ_LN_ACCT (Requisition Line Account) table.