Field Descriptions

Table Information


Approve Purchase Requisitions

What can I do in this screen?

Use this screen to approve requisitions. If approved, authorized users, such as buyers and Purchasing Managers, can generate these requisitions into purchase orders.

You can also use this screen to reject requisitions. A requisition rejection may occur for various reasons and will trigger suspension of the approval process for that requisition. The requisitioner, in this circumstance, must modify the requisition and resubmit it for approval.

Use of this screen is contingent upon your company's business practice coupled with the designations of existing control parameters. For example, after you enter requisitions, the actual request for the product, good, or service might have to be submitted for approval, based on your setup in the Requisition Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials). If you have established an approval process, designated personnel within your company must authorize the item purchase, thus approving the requisition.

If your company's existing business practice dictates that an approval process is required and the Requisition radio button in the Requisition Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials) is selected, you must access this application in order to approve requisitions. The selection of the Line radio button requires that you approve requisitions in the Approve Purchase Requisition Lines screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Requisitions); in this circumstance, this screen will be unavailable.

Only "Pending" requisitions will display in this screen. In addition, only requisitions requiring approval, based on the ID of the users who access this screen, will be available for review in this application. Users can only access requisitions intended for their consideration.

The approval titles and approval processes you established in the Purchase Requisition Approval Titles and Purchase Requisition Approval Processes screens (Materials\Configure\Purchase Requisitions) further dictate which users are authorized to modify data in this application. The ID of the user approving the requisition must have been assigned to an approval title in the Requisition Approval Titles screen (Materials\Configure\Purchase Requisitions). You can assign multiple user IDs to one approval title. Each of these user IDs can approve the requisition, as long as the user's minimum and maximum dollar limits are satisfied; in addition, you can assign multiple approval titles to one approval process. Therefore, one approval process may require approval by many users. Based on the user ID, some fields in this screen will be editable for some users, and non-editable for others.

This screen displays five subtasks, each allowing you to add/or view additional requisition detail:

When should I use this screen?

You must initialize the Requisition Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials) along with the Requisition Approval Titles and the Requisition Approval Processes screens (Materials\Configure\Purchase Requisitions) before processing data in this application.

If it is your company's established business practice or business policy to approve requisitions at the "Requisition" level - as evidenced by your configuration parameters in the Requisition Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials) - this screen will be available.

Field Descriptions



This non-editable field displays the requisition ID selected for approval.

The requisition ID is a unique alphanumeric combination used to identify the requisition.

This alphanumeric combination is used throughout Costpoint to reference the requisition.


This non-editable field tracks the number of times the requisition status shifts from "R" (Rejected) to "P" (Pending).

When a requisition has been rejected, the requisitioner can edit and save the requisition, thereby resetting the requisition status to "P" (Pending) and incrementing the revision number by one.

Approval Title

This non-editable field displays the approval title for the approval sequence number assigned for this requisition.

You established these codes in the Purchase Requisition Approval Titles screen (Materials\Configure\Purchase Requisitions).

Requisitioner Information


This non-editable field displays the employee ID of the requisitioner.  The employee name displays in the adjacent, non-editable field.


This non-editable field displays the organization ID of the requisitioner.


This non-editable field displays the telephone number of the requisitioner.


This non-editable field displays the telephone extension of the requisitioner.

Approval Information


This non-editable field displays the approval code that was assigned to the requisition during the approval process.

The system-defined codes are "P" (Pending), "A" (Approved), and "R" (Rejected).


This non-editable field displays the sequence number for this priority within this approval process.

For example, sequence "01" might represent the highest priority, while sequence "02" might represent the next priority in the approval path.

If approval titles share the same sequence number, the system will allow users assigned to each approval process to view and approve the requisition concurrently.

If an approval title has a lower sequence number than another approval title in the same approval process, the first approval title's users must approve the requisition before the second approval title's users can approve or reject the requisition.

Preferred Approver

This non-editable checkbox will be selected if the person who opens this screen (as indicated by the user ID) is the preferred approver for this requisition.


Use the drop-down box to make a selection.  Your choices are "Pending," "Approved," and "Rejected."

Action Date

This non-editable field displays the system-assigned date the approval status was assigned or changed.

Rejection Reason

This non-editable field displays a rejection reason, if "Rejected" displays in the Status field.

If you have rejected the requisition, you must enter, or use Lookup to select, a rejection reason code.

The data available in the Lookup originates from the Purchase Requisition Rejection Reasons screen (Materials\Configure\Purchase Requisitions).


This non-editable field displays the ID of the employee assigned to the approval title action.

The employee name displays in the adjacent, non-editable field.

Req Date

This non-editable field displays the date the requisition was created.

Trans Currency

This non-editable field displays the transaction currency code you specified for the requisition in the Exchange Rates subtask.

All dollar amounts noted on this screen will be calculated or processed in terms of this currency.

Over Budget

This non-editable field displays the over-budget status.

"Yes" displays in this non-editable field if you selected the Over Budget Validation checkbox in the Requisition Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials).

In this case, you must execute the Calculate Over-Budget Transactions (Projects\Process\Encumbrance Tracking) process before the requisition can be approved.

"No" displays in this non-editable field if you did not select the Over Budget Validation checkbox. The requisition can be approved if it is not over-budget.

"Released" displays in this non-editable field if you have executed the Calculate Over Budget Process (Projects\Process\Encumbrance Tracking), and the requisition can now be considered for approval.

Total Req Amt

This non-editable field displays the total amount of the selected requisition.

Req Header Notes

This non-editable field displays requisition header notes.

Req Approval Notes

Enter up to 254 characters to explain the requisition rejection or approval.

Table Window


This non-editable field displays the system-assigned requisition line number.

Line Type

This non-editable field displays the line type.

Line types include "P" (Part), "G" (Good), "S" (Service), or "M" (Miscellaneous).


This non-editable field displays the ID of the requisition line item.


This non-editable field displays the item revision number.

The revision number represents engineering or design modifications for the part selected.


This non-editable field displays the item description.

Misc Type

This non-editable field displays the miscellaneous line charge type code from the requisition line.

Req Line Notes

This non-editable field displays the requisition line notes.

Internal Notes

This non-editable field displays the requisitioner notes entered on the requisition.

Req U/M

This non-editable field displays the units of measure code for the requisitioned quantity on this line.

Req Qty

This non-editable field displays the requisition quantity.

Est Unit Cost

This non-editable field displays the estimated unit cost from the requisition line.

Est Cost Type

This non-editable field displays the requisition estimated cost type code.

Est Ext Amt

This non-editable field displays the requisition estimated extended amount.

Est Ln Charges

This non-editable field displays the sum total of all line charges entered for this requisition line.

Est Sales Tax/VAT Amt

This non-editable field displays the sum total of sales tax/VAT.

Total Est Amt

This non-editable field displays the sum of the values in the Est Ext Amt, Est Ln Charges, and the Est Sales Tax/VAT Amt fields.

Requested Date

This non-editable field displays the date the item is needed by the requisitioner.

Inv Abbrev

This non-editable field displays the inventory abbreviation for which this item is being requisitioned.


This non-editable field displays warehouse ID which indicates the location this inventory part will be delivered.

This field will be hidden if you did not purchase the Inventory module.

Deliver To

This non-editable field displays the name or location which identifies the place the requisitioned item will be delivered.

Order Ref

This non-editable field displays the order reference information for the requisition line.

Over Ship

This non-editable field displays the overshipment indicator.

If this field displays "Y," overshipments of this requisitioned item are allowed on the purchase order.

If this field displays "N," overshipments are not allowed.

Receipt Tolerance

This non-editable field displays the receipt tolerance value from the requisition line.

"0%" indicates there is no overshipment allowed; therefore, a zero percentage will restrict the overship amount or quantity.

QC Insp Reqd

This non-editable field displays the quality control inspection information.

The data in this field indicates whether or not a quality control inspection is required upon receipt of the requisitioned item.

Source Insp Reqd

This non-editable field displays the source inspection information.

The data in this field indicates whether or not a government source inspection is required.

A source inspection normally requires the vendor to obtain approval from a government inspector before shipping any material.

Cert Conf Reqd

This non-editable field displays the Certificate of Conformance information.

The data in this field indicates whether or not a Certificate of Conformance is required.

This certificate is a legal document issued by the vendor, which certifies that the material conforms to certain specifications and requirements.

Ship ID

This non-editable field displays the ship ID which indicates where this requisitioned item is to be delivered.

Preferred Vendor

This non-editable field displays the ID of the preferred vendor for this requisitioned item.

Preferred Vendor Name

This non-editable field displays the preferred vendor name.

Sales Tax/VAT Rate

This non-editable field displays the sales tax/VAT rate for the sales tax/VAT code that is assigned to the ship ID.

Manuf Part

This non-editable field displays the manufacturer part number.

Manuf Part Rev

This non-editable field displays the manufacturer part revision number.

Vendor Part

This non-editable field displays the vendor part number assigned to this requisition line, if applicable.

Vendor Part Rev

This non-editable field displays the vendor part revision number of the item being requisitioned.

The system will load the vendor revision based on this vendor part.


Click on this link to open the Approvals subtask, where you can add or view information about the approval process and status of the requisition.


Click on this link to open the Accounts subtask, where you can view line charges associated with specific project/account/organization combinations.

Exchange Rates

Click on this link to open the Exchange Rates subtask, where you can view exchange rate information.


Click on this link to open the Totals subtask, where you can view line charges and sales tax information.


Click on this link to open the Currency subtask, where you can view transaction and functional currency information.

QC Line Text

Click on this link to open the QC Line Text subtask, where you can edit or view quality control settings and requisition standard text codes assignments.

Table Information

Changes in this screen update the RQ_APPRVL_PROC (Requisition Approval Process) and S_RQ_STATUS (Requisition Approval Status) tables.

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