Use this non-editable subtask to view where the standard text will be made available. Data found here was originally entered in the Where-Used subtask within the Assigned Standard Text subtask of the Basic Info screen of the Parts, Goods, or Services User Flow (Materials\Maintain\Items).
Use this subtask whenever necessary to view where standard text can be used.
These display-only, non-editable fields default from the Std Text subtask.
This field displays the item ID of the selected item.
This field displays the revision of the selected item.
This field displays the U/M (unit of measure) associated with the selected item.
This field displays whether the item is "M" (Make) or "B" (Buy).
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) for the active status of this item.
This field displays the standard text code assigned to this item.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether or not this text code is active.
This non-editable field displays the description of the system-defined documents available for selection.
The system-defined documents include "MO Assembly Sheet Header," "Bill of Material," "Sales Order Packing Slip," "Sales Order DD250 Invoice," "ECN Traveler," "Document," "MO Assembly Sheet Component," "Sales Order Invoice," "Sales Order DD250 Packing Slip," "MO Pick List," "Routing," "Purchase Order," "Request for Quote," "Purchase Requisition," "Sales Order Acknowledgment," "MO Routing Traveler," and "Sales Order Quotation."
The S_WHERE_USED (Where Used) and TEXT_WHERE_USED (Text Where Used) tables are source tables whose data is evaluated as you access this subtask.