Use this subtask to define units of measure for a specific part. The information contained in this subtask is defined in the Units of Measure screen.
Use this subtask every time you initialize a new part.
Use the fields in this table window to enter information about units of measure. Use the Autoload pushbutton after selecting the unit of measure to apply this information to the specific part.
This field displays the type of measurement unit for the part, such as "Inventory," "Order," or "Selling."
These U/M types are system-defined and cannot be changed.
Note: The U/M Code for "S" (Selling)
U/M Types must be "EA" (Each) if Sales Order Configuration Tracking
is required in the Serial/Lot
Information tab on the Basic Info screen
of the Parts User Flow. |
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the U/M (unit of measure) code for each U/M type.
The system default is "EA" (Each).
The data in Lookup originates from the Units of Measure screen.
This non-editable field displays the text description associated with the two-character code found in the U/M Code field.
You establish U/M code descriptions in the Units of Measure screen.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Changes to this screen update the UM (Units of Measure) table.