Use this screen to define the additional detailed characteristics of a part that will be used in purchasing, inventory, production control, and materials requirement planning.
Use this screen after initializing parts in the Basic Info screen of the Parts User Flow and maintain it when additions or changes are needed for Planning Part Data.
Use the fields in this group box to assign basic information to a specific part for the purposes of part planning.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid commodity code if a commodity code isn't already displayed. The associated description will be displayed in the adjacent non-editable field.
If you already entered a commodity code for a part in the Basic Info screen of the Parts User Flow, it will automatically be displayed here.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 12 alphanumeric characters to identify the buyer ID.
If you assigned a buyer to the commodity code in the Commodity Codes screen (Materials\Configure\Items), then it will default into this field.
The data in Lookup originates from the Buyers screen (Materials\Configure\Purchasing).
The buyer is responsible for ordering and/or purchasing items listed on requisitions.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 12 alphanumeric characters to identify the planner ID.
If you assigned a planner to the commodity code in the Commodity Codes screen (Materials\Configure\Items), then it will default into this field.
The data in Lookup originates from the Planners screen.
The planner schedules manufacturing orders purchase requisitions and determines the availability of materials in order to meet production and sales order demands. The planner also works with buyers to coordinate and expedite the ordering of materials.
Select the planning type for this part to indicate what planning tool will be used. The system-defined types are as follows:
MRP (Material Requirements Planning) - This selection indicates the part will be planned by the MRP module in Costpoint client/server.
Reorder - This selection indicates that the part will not be used by MRP but still requires planning using the inventory reorder process.
MPS (Master Production Scheduling) - Master Production Scheduling is currently unavailable in Costpoint. If you select this option, the part will be excluded from MRP processes.
None - This selection indicates the part requires no planning.
Enter the percentage planned for scrap. This percentage must be greater than or equal to zero and cannot exceed 100%.
This value represents your best estimate of what percentage of these parts will be accidentally destroyed, lost, or otherwise rendered unusable in the manufacturing process.
This value will default to every Manufacturing BOM (Bill of Material) and Engineering BOM where this part is called out as a component.
Enter the percentage planned for yield. This percentage must be greater than or equal to zero and cannot exceed 100%.
This value represents your best estimate of what percentage of these parts will be available for use when ordered.
Use this group box to specify overshipment information.
Select this checkbox if overshipment is allowed for this part on purchase orders.
If you selected the Use Receipt Tolerance checkbox in the Product Definition Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials), you can both select this checkbox and enter a default tolerance percentage in the Percentage field.
If you did not select the Use Receipt Tolerance checkbox in the Product Definition Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials), you can select this checkbox, but you cannot enter a receipt tolerance percentage.
Enter the receipt tolerance percentage for the part.
A receipt tolerance represents the percentage by which purchase order receipts are allowed to exceed the order quantity.
Note: This field can only be used for parts
that have the Use Receipt Tolerance
checkbox selected in the Product Definition Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials). |
This percentage will be loaded as a default to the purchase order and requisition line for overshipment determination.
If you have entered a commodity code in the Commodity field that has a default receipt tolerance percentage assigned, the percentage will default in this field.
Use this group box to designate specified uses for this part.
Select this checkbox if the part can be stocked in inventory. This checkbox is checked by default.
A blank checkbox indicates that this part cannot be stocked in inventory. It can still be used on purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and sales orders.
Select this checkbox if the part is a floor stock (bulk issue) item and does not need to be picked for manufacturing orders.
Select this checkbox if the part is a common stock item ordered from a common pool of items and can be planned across multiple projects.
Select this checkbox to always require quotes from vendors for this part in the estimating process.
Select this checkbox if the part is a backflush part.
A backflush part is a part automatically deducted from inventory when a manufacturing order is completed or first issued.
A blank checkbox indicates that no automatic deduction will occur.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the CS (common stock) inventory abbreviation to be used for MRP (Material Requirements Planning).
Use this group box to assign a warehouse and location ID default that will display when this part is specified for receiving or inventory.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the default inventory warehouse for the part.
The data in Lookup originates from the Warehouses screen.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the default location of the warehouse that was selected for this part.
The data in Lookup originates from the Locations screen.
If the Part/Project Default Location radio button is selected in the Receiving Settings screen (Administration\Configure\Materials), this warehouse and location will default to the Acceptance Location field in the Receive Purchase Order screen (Materials\Transactions\Receipts) for this part (unless overridden by a part/project warehouse/locations).
Use this group box to specify the part's ordering parameters.
Select the policy type that indicates the lot sizing technique to be used for this part in the Costpoint client/server Materials module for the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) screens. The system-defined selections are as follows:
Discrete Lot Size - This requires that the planned order quantity always equals the quantity of the net requirements for each inventory abbreviation and projects. This value defaults from Product Definition Settings (Administration\Configure\Materials).
Min/Mult Lot Size
- This requires that a lot size be specified when ordering the part. You
will receive a warning if the order/requisition for a part doesn't meet
the minimum/multiple lot size quantities.
When you select the "Min/Mult" policy type, you must enter
a minimum lot size in the Minimum
field or a multiple lot in the Multiple
field to meet net requirements.
Order to Point - The inventory reorder process will automatically place a purchase requisition for this part whenever the inventory quantity is less than or equal to the reorder point. The Order to Point quantity will need to be specified in either the Project Requirements screen link or the Part Project Data screen (Materials\Maintain\Items) for each project. The Planning Type field must be set to "Reorder" to use this order policy.
Period - This requires that the lot size equal net requirements for the specified number of shop calendar days. This selection also activates the Period Order Days field.
Reorder Point - The inventory reorder process will automatically place a purchase requisition for this part whenever the quantity on hand is reduced to or below a specified level (reorder point level). The Planning Type field must be set to "Reorder" to use this order policy.
If you selected "Period" in the Policy Type field, you must enter the number of shop days for which the MRP (Material Requirements Planning) system will combine net requirements to create a planned order.
Enter a minimum lot size that can be placed in any one order of this part.
The order quantity should always be at least equal to the specified lot size.
This field is only available if you selected "Min/Mult Lot Size" in the Policy Type field.
Requirement = 10 and Min. Lot Size = 12, then Planned Order = 12
Requirement = 15 and Min. Lot Size = 12, then Planned Order = 15
Enter a multiple lot size that will specify that the order quantity should always be a multiple of the specified lot size
This field is only available if you selected "Min/Mult Lot Size" in the Policy Type field.
Requirement = 10 and Mult. Lot Size = 12, then Planned Order = 12
Requirement = 15 and Mult. Lot Size = 12, then Planned Order = 24
Enter the maximum quantity that can be placed in any one order of this part.
If the order quantity is greater than the maximum quantity specified in this field, the order should be split into several orders with each not exceeding the maximum quantity.
Use this group box to establish guidelines regarding a part's count within an inventory.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ABC classification code that best categorizes this part.
The ABC classification code is the classification of a group of items in decreasing order of annual dollar volume or other criteria.
This code can be calculated by the Perform ABC Analysis screen. The ABC classification code entered in this field automatically calculates the count tolerance of the Tolerance field and the count frequency of the Frequency field.
This field automatically displays a percentage based on the ABC code selected in the ABC Classification field, but it can be changed at any time.
Count tolerance is the percentage that is acceptable between physical count quantity and system pre-count quantity. If a variance quantity is less than the tolerance percentage, the quantity will not be updated by the physical count process.
Enter the count frequency, in calendar days, in which cycle counts should be performed for this part.
A percentage is automatically displayed based on the ABC code selected in the ABC Classification field, but this number can be changed at any time.
Use these fields located outside of the group boxes to view and edit information on part lead times.
This field displays the total lead time calculated from the Lead Time subtask.
This total is updated after you make changes to the Lead Time selections.
Default Component Lead Time Offset
Enter the default number of days that the assembly lead time can be reduced when the part is a component of a Bill of Material.
The default number for this required field is "0," but you can change this to any value up to "9999."
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Select this link to open the Lead Time subtask.
Changes to his screen update the PART (Part) tables.