Use this subtask to view detailed employee salary information, as displayed in the Employee Salary Information screen.
The subtask header displays the employee ID, employee name, and fiscal year. The subtask consists of several group boxes along with the Salary Info (which displays when you first open the subtask) tab and Ref No/Comments tab.
All of the fields in this subtask are non-editable.
You must click the OK button to close this subtask.
You may use this subtask to view detailed employee salary information, as displayed in the Employee Salary Information screen.
This field displays the employee ID.
This field displays the employee name.
This field displays the fiscal year you selected in the Selection Criteria block.
This tab displays the Dates, Organizational Data, Rates, Employment Status, and Labor Status group boxes.
This field displays the effective date of the salary information.
This field displays the end date of the effective salary information record.
This field displays the home organization to which this employee is normally assigned.
This field displays the security organization to which this employee is normally assigned.
This field displays the hourly rate of pay, up to four digits to the right of the decimal, for this employee.
This field displays the employee's salary amount for the pay period.
This field displays the employee's annual amount of pay.
This field displays the effective rate, calculated by dividing the employee's annual rate by the number of estimated labor hours for the year.
This field displays the percentage of increase. This calculation is based on the difference between the previous hourly rate and the new hourly rate.
This field displays the employee type that designates the employee as "R" (Regular) or "P" (Part-time). Generally, part-time employees are non-exempt.
This field displays the classification of the employee. Valid options are "H" (Hourly), "S" (Salaried), and "F" (Salary Fluctuating Hours).
This field displays "Y" (Yes) if the employee is exempt from the FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) or a "N" (No) if the employee is non-exempt and can be entitled to overtime payments.
"Hourly" and "Salary Fluctuating Hours" employees are usually non-exempt.
This field displays the labor group or union to which this employee belongs.
Note: This field will be labeled Union if you selected the Enable Union Functionality checkbox in the Labor Settings screen. If you did not select the Enable Union Functionality checkbox in the Labor Settings screen, this field will be labeled Labor Group. |
This field displays the GLC (general labor category) to which this employee is normally assigned.
This field displays the employee's job title.
This field displays the personnel action description.
This field displays the estimated number of hours per year this employee is expected to work.
This field displays the default overtime state for the employee.
Note: Since the Labor Settings screen is not available in this web release, you must make settings changes in the client/server version. After you complete your settings modifications, you must return to the web version and access the Reload Global Settings (Administration\Utilities\System Administration). This utility establishes continuity between the web and client/server environments. Select the appropriate checkbox and click the Action icon to execute synchronization. |
The following source tables contain data that is evaluated as you perform your inquiry:
EMPL (Basic Employee Info)
EMPL_LAB_INFO (Salary Info & History)
FY (Fiscal Years)
ORG (Organizations)