Use this subtask to view detailed sales tax information for the invoice selected on the main screen.
Use this subtask whenever you need to view detailed sales tax information for invoices.
How can I get sales tax to compute on my bill?
To compute sales tax on a bill, you must first set up the sales tax code in the Sales/Value Added Tax screen.
Next, you must link the accounts to be taxed in the Taxable Bill Accounts screen.
Finally, you must link the sales tax code to the invoice level project and specify the percentage of taxability.
This non-editable field displays the invoice number of the selected record from the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the customer account number of the selected record from the main screen.
This non-editable field displays the customer name of the selected record from the main screen.
This field displays the sales tax code for the tax that was recorded on the invoice. You set up the sales tax code in the Sales/Value Added Tax screen.
This field displays the sales tax amount that was computed and added to the selected invoice.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
This screen updates the AR_SALES_TAX (AR Sales Tax) table.