Field Descriptions

Table Information


Voucher Totals (A/P)

What can I do in this subtask?

Note: This screen displays for A/P Vouchers.

Use this subtask to view a columnar presentation of key A/P voucher amounts in each of the transaction, pay, and functional currencies for the voucher.

If the transaction, pay, and functional currencies are the same, only one column will display.

When should I use this subtask?

Use this subtask to view a columnar presentation of key A/P voucher amounts.

Field Descriptions

Chk No

This field displays the check number associated with the selected voucher from the main screen.

Chk Date

This field displays the check date of the check number associated with the selected voucher from the main screen.

Check Amount

This field displays the check amount of the check used to pay the selected voucher from the main screen.

Pay Curr

This field displays the currency code used for payment of this voucher.


This field displays the voucher number of the highlighted voucher from the PO Voucher Detail subtask.


This field displays the pay vendor for the selected PO voucher.

Trans Curr

This field displays the currency code for the currency in which the voucher was entered.

This is the currency in which the vendor's invoice was written.

Cost Amt

The voucher's total invoiced amount, stated in the transaction currency, displays in this field.

Remaining Bal

This field displays the remaining balance on the invoice, stated in the transaction currency.


Table Window

Voucher Totals

This table presents the transaction, pay, and functional currencies for each of the following voucher items. If the transaction and functional currencies are the same, only one column of amounts will display.

Cost Amount

This field displays the voucher line amount, before taxes and discount.

Sales/VAT Tax Amount

This field displays the sales or value added tax charged for this voucher line.

Recovery Amount

This field displays the recovery amount, if any for the selected voucher line.

Total Before Discount

This field displays the voucher line amount, before any discount.

Discount Amount

This field displays the voucher discount, if any.

Total Amount

This field displays the total for this voucher line.

Amount Paid

This field displays the amount that was paid against the voucher in the pay currency of the vendor.

Discount Taken Amt

This field displays the discount taken on this voucher.

The discount is calculated on each voucher line based on the vendor terms under which you entered the voucher.

Use/Reverse Tax Amount

This field displays the use/reverse tax amount, if any.

Exchange Rates

Trans to Functional

This field displays the exchange rate for transaction to functional currency.

This figure, when multiplied by the transaction currency amount, will result in the functional currency amount.

Functional to Pay

This field displays the exchange rate for functional to pay currency.

This figure, when multiplied by the functional currency amount, will result in the pay currency amount.

Table Information

This screen accesses the VCHR_HDR_HS (Voucher Header History) and the VEND_CHK_VCHR (Vendor Check Voucher) tables.

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