Use this non-editable subtask to view information such as discrepancy amount and ordered quantity for PO vouchers.
Use this subtask to view information, such as discrepancy amount and ordered quantity for PO vouchers.
This field displays the check number associated with the selected voucher from the main screen.
This field displays the check date of the check number associated with the selected voucher from the main screen.
This field displays the check amount of the check used to pay the selected voucher from the main screen.
This field displays the currency code used for payment of this selected voucher.
This field displays the voucher number for the selected voucher from the PO Voucher Detail subtask.
This field displays the pay vendor for the selected PO voucher.
This field displays the currency code for the currency in which the voucher was entered. This is the currency of the invoice you received from your vendor.
The voucher's total invoiced amount stated in the transaction currency displays in this field.
This field displays the remaining balance on the invoice stated in the transaction currency.
The fields in the table window default from the Enter PO Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers).
This field displays the voucher line number for the PO voucher.
This field displays the PO line number.
This field displays the item number entered on the PO line. Items are set up in the Product Definition Settings screen.
This field displays the item revision.
This field displays the item description of the PO line.
This matching type was determined when the purchase order line was added, based on the type of item ordered.
In the PO Voucher Settings screen, each type of item (Goods, Services, Misc., Parts) was assigned a match type:
2 - Indicates there was a two-way matching between the purchase order quantity and the invoice quantity.
3 - Indicates there was a three-way matching between the purchase order quantity, the accepted quantity, and the invoice quantity.
The match option was determined when the purchase order line was added, based on the type of item ordered.
In the PO Voucher Settings screen, each type of item (Goods, Services, Misc., Parts) was assigned a match option:
INDIV (Individual) - Indicates the invoice quantities were matched against individual receipt accepted quantities.
TOTAL (Total) - Indicates the invoice quantities were matched against the total purchase order line accepted quantity.
This match option applies only to 3-way match types. For 2-way match types, the match option will always be "TOTAL."
This field displays the discrepancy amount for this voucher line.
This field originates from the Ext Cost amount from the Enter POs screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This field displays the amount of the PO that has been vouchered.
This field displays the posted amount.
This field displays the amount of all line charges applied to this voucher line, through the Line Charges subtask.
This field displays the taxability of the voucher line - "S" for sales tax and "U" for use tax.
This field displays the sales tax code associated with the voucher line. You selected the sales tax code in the Maintain Sales/Value Added Tax screen.
This field displays the sales/VAT tax amount based on the sales tax code entered on the line.
This field displays the use/reverse tax amount based on the sales tax code entered on the line.
This field displays the line charge sales/VAT tax amount of all line charges applied to this voucher line.
Line Charge Use/Reverse Tax Amt
This field displays the use or reverse tax amount of all line charges applied to this voucher line.
This field displays the total accepted amount for this PO line.
This field displays the total rejected amount to pay for this PO line.
This field displays the total rejected amount to be replaced for this PO line.
This field displays the total rejected amount to be credited for this PO line.
This field displays the PO line charge amount entered through the Line Charges subtask of the Enter POs screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This field originates from the Net Unit Cost field from the Enter POs screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This field displays the invoice unit price.
This field displays the unit price discrepancy amount.
This field displays the unit price discrepancy.
This field displays the discrepancy quantity. This is the difference between the vouchered quantity and the quantity on the PO.
This field displays the discrepancy.
This field displays the ordered quantity from the Quantity field (no field with that name) in the Enter POs screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders).
This field displays the ordered quantity on the PO that has been vouchered.
This field displays the posted quantity.
This field displays the accepted quantity from the associated PO line.
This field displays the rejected quantity to pay for this PO line.
This field displays the rejected quantity to be replaced for this PO line.
This field displays the rejected quantity to be credited for this PO line.
This screen accesses the PO_LN_CHNG (PO Line Change), VCHR_HDR_HS (Voucher Header History), VCHR_LN_ACCT_HS (Voucher Line Account History), and the VEND_CHK_VCHR (Vendor Check Voucher) tables.