Use this subtask to view how, if at all, the advance has been applied to an expense report. Highlight a row in the Advance Detail subtask and select the Exp Rpts pushbutton to view the detail of that travel transaction.
These fields display the vendor ID, vendor name, and location information for the line you selected in the main screen.
This field displays the advance number as it was generated by the system or assigned by the user.
This field displays the total advance requested. No repaid amounts are considered in this figure.
This field displays the date of the original advance.
This field displays the amount of advance that has already been applied to this posted expense report line.
This field displays the travel advance due date as it was assigned by the system, based on vendor criteria, or as assigned by the user.
This field displays the amount of advance that is outstanding from the original advance amount less this posted expense report line.
This group box displays data regarding the last change of this advance request in the system.
This field displays the ID of the last user to change the advance request before it was posted.
This field displays the system date of the last change to the advance request before it was posted.
This group box displays the fiscal year, period, and subperiod to which the advance request was posted.
This column displays the expense report number that contains the information included in this row.
This column displays the date the expense report was entered into Costpoint.
This column displays the expense report due date as it was assigned by the system, based on vendor criteria, or as assigned by the user.
This column displays the vendor ID for the expense report.
This column displays the vendor name for the expense report.
This column displays the A/P voucher number of the expense report.
This column displays the fiscal year to which the expense report was posted.
This column displays the period to which the expense report was posted.
This column displays the subperiod to which the expense report was posted.
This column displays the expense report amount that was posted to this advance on this expense report.
This column displays the code that identifies where the expense was created: "E" for Enter Expense Reports screen, "C" for a cash receipt posted in Costpoint Accounts Receivable (repayment of unused cash advance), and "A" for an advance line from either Maintain Advance History screen (for initialization) or Enter Advance Requests screen.
This column displays the notes that were entered as part of the expense report processing.
Select this pushbutton to open the Expense Reports Detail subtask.