Buyers and other purchasing personnel can use this screen to provide the additional information required for processing requisition lines into purchase order lines. Buyers can also reject requisitions in the header Approval Process or line Approval Process subtasks. This screen is similar in functionality to the Enter Requisitions screen. Information previously assigned to the requisition or requisition lines in the Enter Requisitions screen, or in any other screen where requisition and requisition line information can be modified, displays in this screen. You can also use this screen to add new requisitions, and add additional requisition lines to existing requisitions that were originally created in this screen, depending on the status of the requisition and the approval process. RFQs and quotes can be generated for and referenced to requisition lines.
You can create new requisitions in this screen and submit them for approval, if required. Use this screen whenever purchasing personnel need to add or change requisitions.
The requisition number, containing up to 10 alphanumeric characters, is the unique identifier for this requisition. Requisition numbers are created in one of two ways, depending on the requisition numbering method selected in the Requisition Settings screen:
If you selected the System option in the Requisition Settings screen, the system automatically assigns requisition numbers. Costpoint increments the Last System Req Number in the Requisition Settings screen by one. When you have entered all data and saved the record, the system automatically assigns the next available number, which then displays in this field. You can still manually enter a unique requisition number.
If you selected the Manual option in the Requisition Settings screen, you must enter a requisition number before you can save the new record. The system does not store the last number used, so you must track the requisition numbers in your own log.
This non-editable field tracks the number of times a requisition goes from an R (Rejected) status to a P (Pending) status. When a requisition/requisition line has been rejected, the requisitioner can edit and save the requisition, which sets the requisition status back to P (Pending) and increments the revision number.
Required. Enter the requisition creation date in MM/DD/YYYY format. The system date is the default, but is editable.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the approval process code for this requisition, if applicable. Approval process codes have settings that specify the manner in which a requisition must be approved before generating a purchase order. Establish Requisition Approval codes and settings in the Requisition Approval Processes screen. The status of this field, and the approval process codes available for selection, depend on how the approval process is set up in the Process Assignments group box in the Requisition Settings screen. If approval processes are assigned manually, enter the approval process code that this requisition must clear to be eligible for generation into a purchase order. If approval processes are optional or automatically assigned, you cannot enter a value in this field. Once a requisition line has been submitted for approval, you cannot change this code.
This field displays the header status, listed below, that can be updated by the user or Costpoint, depending on the stage of the requisition in the procurement planning process. If the selected requisition was created in the Enter Requisitions screen and the Status is P (Pending) or R (Rejected), it is non-editable in this screen. The following options are available:
P - Pending. The requisition is being modified by the requisitioner. This status persists until the requisitioner submits the requisition for approval.
I - In-Approval. The requisition was submitted for approval and is in process. You cannot modify requisitions with a status of I on this screen, but you can void them.
V - Void. The requisition was voided. No further processing occurs.
A - Approved. The requisition was approved, and can be processed into a purchase order.
R - Rejected. The requisition was rejected during the approval process (or by a buyer using this screen). It can be corrected and resubmitted for approval.
G - PO Generated. A purchase order was created from this requisition, and the requisition cannot be modified.
C - Closed. The requisition was closed by an authorized user. No further processing occurs.
This field displays the transaction currency code that is specified for the requisition in the Exchange Rates subtask. All amounts on this screen are expressed in this currency.
Enter, or use to select,
the employee ID of the requisitioner. The employee name of the requisitioner
displays to the right. If this requisition line was not created by this
screen, you cannot modify this field. Set up employee IDs in the Basic
Employee Setup menu in Costpoint Employee.
Enter, or use to select,
the requisitioner's organization ID. This field defaults to the requisitioner's
home organization. If this requisition line was not created in this screen,
you cannot modify this field.
Enter the phone number of the requisitioner. The first phone number in the requisitioner's employee file defaults, but is editable. The phone number extension of the requisitioner is the default value in the unlabeled field to the right, but it also is editable.
If this requisition line was not created in this screen, these fields are on-editable.
Enter, or use to select,
the ID of the buyer to whom to assign this requisition. The buyer you
select in this field populates all requisition lines but is editable on
each line. You cannot access this field if the Requisition Settings screen
does not allow manual buyer assignment (if you have not selected the Manual
option in the Buyer Assignments
group box). The buyer must already exist in the Buyers screen under the
Purchasing Controls menu in Costpoint Purchasing, and must be linked to
the appropriate project/account/organization. If it is not, you receive
a message that the buyer is not authorized. The buyer must also be authorized
for the requisition line's inventory abbreviation information in the Header/Defaults
subtask and the Account Distribution subtask. The name of the employee
assigned to the buyer ID displays in the field to the right.
Enter the date on which the buyer should generate the PO in order to receive the requisitioned item by the requested date.
This field displays the date on which this requisition is assigned to a buyer. It defaults to the current date if the buyer was assigned manually.
This field displays the date the requisition was entered or last updated.
Select this check box to combine this requisition onto one purchase order with other requisitions that have the same vendor and buyer. This check box may already be selected, depending on the setup in the Requisition Settings screen. Clear the check box to disable the combine feature for this requisition.
This check box is selected if the requisition has already been printed. If you reprint the requisition, a message indicating that this requisition is a "Duplicate" prints on the requisition. If the check box is cleared, no "Duplicate" message prints on the requisition.
Use this table window to enter requisition line item information. Refer to the Header/Defaults subtask for settings that may populate requisition lines. Depending on the stage and settings of the requisition process, certain fields in each requisition line may or may not be editable.
This column displays the system identifier of the requisition line. It is a sequential number assigned by the system to track the line items of the requisition.
This non-editable column displays the line revision number, a sequential number assigned by Costpoint to track each time the requisition line is rejected and resubmitted for approval.
Enter, or use to select,
the item ID to be requisitioned. The lookup list displays the items entered
in the Part Master menu, or the Goods or Services screens, in Costpoint
Product Definition. If the item does not exist, enter the requisitioned
item in the Description field instead.
This column displays the latest revision default, when a valid item has been entered. If multiple-part revisions are being used, you can change this field to another valid revision for that item. If multiple revisions are not used, you can change the last revision to any value.
This column displays the description of the Item entered. If changes to descriptions are allowed in the Product Definition Settings screen in Costpoint Product Definition, you can modify the description here without updating the Item table. You can also use this field to requisition miscellaneous items that do not exist in the Product Definition table.
This non-editable field displays the order unit of measure code if the item is a part, or the standard unit of measure for a good or service.
This column displays the item type of P (Part), G (Good), S (Service), or M (Miscellaneous) for the item specified. If you are entering a new item, you can override the line type and enter the appropriate description of the item. If you do not enter M (Miscellaneous), you must supply the item before you can generate the requisition line into a PO line.
Enter, or use to select,
the requisition line charge type for miscellaneous lines. Line charge
types are entered in the PO Line Charge Types screen under the Purchasing
Controls menu in Costpoint Purchasing, and can also be maintained in the
Sales Order Line Charge Types screen in Costpoint Sales Order Entry. This
field is accessible only when the Item field is left blank and
a miscellaneous charge is being entered when the Line Type is M.
Enter text to be associated with this requisition line. These notes print on the requisition.
Enter text to be associated with this requisition. These notes do not print on the requisition.
Enter the military specification number assigned to the part to be requisitioned. This defaults from the Basic Part Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition.
Enter the national stock number assigned to the part being requisitioned. This defaults from the Basic Part Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition.
The line status listed below can be updated by you or the system, depending on the stage of the requisition in the procurement planning process. If approvals are performed at the line level, the line status of a requisition may not always agree with the header status. Pending and in-approval requisition lines may coexist in this table window, if approvals are performed at the line level. The system-defined values are:
P - Pending. The requisition line is being modified by the requisitioner. This status persists until the requisitioner submits the requisition for approval.
I - In-Approval. This requisition line was submitted for approval and is in process. You cannot modify requisitions with a status of I on this screen.
V - Void. The requisition line was voided, and no further processing occurs.
A - Approved. The requisition line was approved, and can be processed into a purchase order.
R - Rejected. The requisition was rejected during the approval process, and can be corrected and resubmitted for approval.
G - PO Generated. A purchase order was created from this requisition line, and cannot be modified.
C - Closed. The requisition line was closed by an authorized user, and no further processing occurs.
Enter, or use to select,
the commodity code for the requisitioned item. This defaults from the
item master, but can be changed.
Enter, or use to select,
the unit of measure code for the requisitioned quantity on this line.
It comes from the order unit of measure. This is required if a quantity
and unit price are entered on the requisition line. You can modify this
field only if you are creating the requisition line in this screen.
Enter the quantity to be requisitioned in the requisition unit of measure for this item. This is a required field for parts and goods, but is optional for services and miscellaneous lines. You can modify this field only if you are creating the requisition line in this screen.
Enter, or use to select,
the cost type code for this requisition line. A value defaults for the
sequence number assigned in the Requisition Cost Types screen, with the
lowest sequence number for the cost type code. The system searches for
the cost type in the item cost tables and loads the associated cost amount
in the estimated unit cost fields. You can add or change these costs through
the Maintain Item Cost and Maintain Project Item Cost screens in Costpoint
Product Definition.
This field is editable if you are creating the requisition line in this screen.
Enter the estimated unit cost for this item. The cost stored in the Item Cost table defaults in dependent upon the requisition cost type code entered. This is a required field for parts and goods, but optional for services and miscellaneous lines.
This field is editable if you are creating the requisition line in this screen.
This field displays the estimated extended cost amount, which the system calculates by multiplying Est Unit Cost by Qty. You can enter the estimated extended cost amount for services and miscellaneous lines where a quantity and unit price have not been entered. This field is editable if you are creating the requisition line in this screen.
This field displays the sum of all line charges entered in the Line Charges subtask for this requisition line.
This field displays the sales tax/VAT rate for the sales tax/VAT code that is assigned to the ship ID. Once you enter a Ship ID for the requisition line or in the Header/Defaults subtask, the Sales Tax/VAT rate that is assigned to the Sales/VAT Tax code for that Ship ID populates this field. Ship IDs and sales/use tax codes are assigned to vendors in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Purchasing, Procurement Planning, and Accounts Payable. Sales/VAT Tax codes can also be assigned to Ship IDs for branch locations (in the Branch Locations screen under the Purchasing Controls menu), customers (in Costpoint Sales Order Entry), and warehouses (in Costpoint Inventory). The Tax Rate is originally assigned to the Tax Code in the Maintain Sales/Value Added Tax screen in Costpoint System Administration.
This field displays the sum of sales tax/VAT for the line item and any line charges assigned if the Tax field is Y (Yes).
This field displays the total estimated cost amount, which the system calculates by adding the Est Ext Cost Amt, the Est Line Charges, and the Est Sales Tax/VAT Amt.
Required.Enter Y (Yes) if tax is to be calculated for this requisition line item. If it is not taxable, enter N The taxable status defaults based on the selection in the Default Taxable Status group box in the Header/Defaults subtask. The default is taxable for all, non-taxable for all, or defaults from the item's (or Misc Type code's) taxable status. Any default value is editable. If this field is Y sales or VAT tax is calculated for this line item.
Required. Enter the date by which the item is needed by the requisitioner. This field is editable if you are creating the requisition line in this screen.
The date on which the requisition is approved displays after the requisition has gone through the approval process.
Enter, or use to select,
the ship ID where this requisitioned item will be delivered. The Ship
ID entered in the Header/Defaults subtask defaults in and is editable.
This is a required field for parts and goods, as well as for taxable items.
Ship IDs are assigned to vendors in the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint
Purchasing, Procurement Planning, and Accounts Payable, and can be viewed
in the Display Ship IDs screen in Costpoint Purchasing. You can also assign
Ship ID information to branch locations (in the Branch Locations
screen under the Purchasing Controls menu), customers (in Costpoint Sales
Order Entry), and warehouses (in Costpoint Inventory). You can enter a
Ship ID in this field only if it exists in the Display Ship IDs
Enter Y (Yes) to indicate that this item is to be drop shipped to an outside location.
Enter the name or department to which the item ordered is to be delivered.
Enter the shipping company/method by which the requisitioned item should be shipped.
This field is available only if you selected the Requisition Line option in the Approval Level group box in the Requisition Settings screen. This means that approvals are done for each requisition line.
If approval processes are assigned manually, enter the approval process code that this requisition line must pass through to be eligible to be generated into a purchase order.
If approval processes are optional or automatically assigned, you cannot enter a value in this field.
Once a requisition line has been submitted for approval, you cannot change this code.
Enter, or use to select,
the inventory abbreviation for which this inventory part is being requisitioned.
Inventory abbreviation information is established in the Inventory Projects
screen in Costpoint Inventory. This field is required for all P
(Part) type requisitions, and displays account information used by Costpoint
Inventory when inventory transactions are posted to the inventory journal.
If you entered a valid inventory abbreviation in the Header/Defaults subtask
and chose to have it default for all requisition lines, this field displays
that inventory abbreviation. If that default value is unavailable, this
field uses the inventory abbreviation that was entered in the Part Planning
subtask of the Part Inventory Inquiry. In either case, you can enter a
different abbreviation.
Once the Inv Abbrev field is populated for the requisition line, the Warehouse field value defaults to the Planning Warehouse ID that appears in the Inventory Projects screen for this inventory project/inventory abbreviation. The Project, Account, and Organization assigned to this inventory abbreviation default to the Account Distribution subtask.
Enter, or use to select,
the warehouse in which this inventory part is to be received. The lookup
list displays the warehouses established in Costpoint Inventory.
This field displays only if you have Costpoint Inventory installed.
Costpoint loads the preferred vendor
from the Assign Vendors screen in Costpoint Product Definition, if one
has been assigned for this item. If you have not assigned a preferred
vendor to the item, enter, or use to select, the ID of
the preferred vendor to source this requisitioned item. The vendor must
not be flagged as a payroll vendor, and its Approval
Code must not be Not Approved.
If the vendor has an Approval Code
of Pending, Costpoint displays
a warning message.
This field is editable if you are creating the requisition line in this screen.
This field displays the name of the preferred vendor.
Enter, or use to select,
the manufacturer ID of the purchased part.
Enter, or use to select,
the manufacturer part for this item. The system loads the preferred manufacturer
part from the Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition,
if one has been assigned for this item. This field is editable if you
are creating the requisition line in this screen.
Enter the revision for the manufacturer part for this item. The system loads the revision based on the manufacturer part selected. Establish the manufacturer part revision in the Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition. This field is editable if you are creating the requisition line in this screen.
Enter, or use to select,
the vendor part for this item. The system loads the vendor part identified
in the Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition. This field
is editable if you are creating the requisition line in this screen.
Enter the revision for the vendor part for this item. The system loads the vendor revision based on the vendor part selected. Establish the vendor revision in the Alternate Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition. This field is editable if you are creating the requisition line in this screen.
Enter, or use to select,
the procurement type code for this requisition line. Procurement types
serve two purposes. They can be used to categorize requisition lines,
and/or to specify how many quotes should be obtained before the requisition
line is generated into a purchase order. Enter procurement types in the
Procurement Types screen.
Enter, or use to select,
the vendor quote that can be a source for this requisitioned item. This
field is editable if you are creating the requisition line in this screen.
Enter quote information in the Enter Quotes by Vendor and/or Enter Quotes
by Item screens.
Enter an existing blanket purchase order that can be a source for this item. This field is editable if you are creating the requisition line in this screen. Establish blanket POs in the Create Blanket Releases screen in Costpoint Purchasing.
Enter, or use to select,
the ID of the buyer who is responsible for procuring this item. You must
make an entry in this field to generate a PO line from this requisition
line. Enter buyers in the Buyers screen in Costpoint Purchasing.
Enter, or use to select,
the planner responsible for controlling the availability of this item.
Establish planners in the Planners screen in Costpoint Production Control.
Enter, or use to select,
an operation code for the requisition line. Enter operation codes in the
Maintain Labor Operations and Maintain Subcontractor Operations screens
in Costpoint Routings.
Enter S to record the line costs against the sales order line referenced in the Order Reference column. You can enter a sales order ID in the Order Reference column only when S is in this column. If you enter N (No), you cannot enter the sales order ID in the Order Reference column.
Enter the sales order information for which this item is being requisitioned. These fields are editable if you are creating the requisition line in this screen. Be sure to enter the correct value in the Order Ref Release and Order Ref Line No fields in order to reference the correct sales order. If you delete a requisition line that was created from a Sales Order, and there are no other requisition lines for the same Sales Order line, the Req Gen (Requisition Generated) field value for the SO line changes from Y (Yes) to N (No) in the Enter Sales Orders screen in Costpoint Sales Order Entry.
Enter the Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) to be associated with this requisition line.
Required. Enter Y (Yes) to allow overshipments for this requisitioned item. This value comes from the Item table.
If the Over Ship field is Y (Yes), enter the overship tolerance percentage for this requisition line. If the field is set to Y (Yes), zero percent does not restrict the overship amount or quantity. This field is available only if you selected the Use Receipt Tolerance check box in the Product Definition Settings screen in Costpoint Product Definition, and the Over Ship value is Y (Yes).
Required. Enter Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether a quality control inspection is required upon receipt of the items ordered. This value is populated from the part master or Line Charge table and is editable.
Required. Enter Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether a government source inspection is required. A source inspection normally requires the vendor to obtain approval from a government or customer inspector before any material can be shipped. This field is populated from the part master and is editable.
Required. Enter Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether a certificate of conformance is required. A certificate of conformance is a legal document, issued by the vendor, which certifies that the material conforms to certain specifications and requirements. This field is populated from the part master and is editable.
Enter the starting period-of-performance date for this requisition line.
Enter the ending period-of-performance date for this requisition line.
Enter the date when the buyer was assigned to the requisition line. The system date populates this field by default, if the buyer is assigned manually.
Enter, or use to select,
the BOM configuration needed to determine requirements for a specific
configuration. Enter BOM configuration data in Costpoint Bills of Material.
Enter the date on which the buyer should place the purchase order in order to receive this item by the requested date.
Enter, or use to select,
the industry classification code associated with the requisition line.
The value in this column displays as a default from the assigned Item,
Misc Type,or Commodity Code. Establish industry classification
codes in the Industry Classifications screen in the Purchasing Controls
menu in Costpoint Purchasing, and under the Product Definition Controls
menu in Costpoint Product Definition.
This field displays the sum of the Est Sales Tax/VAT Amt for all requisition lines.
This field displays the sum of the Total Est Cost Amt for all requisition lines.
Click this button to establish default information and values for an entire requisition.
Click this button to open the Requisition Header Standard Text subtask, where you assign established standard text for this requisition.
Click this button to view requisition line amounts in both transaction and functional currencies. This button is enabled if the transaction and functional currencies are different in the Exchange Rates subtask. The button is disabled if you do not have access to Costpoint Multicurrency.
Click this button to view approval process and status information for this requisition. This button is available when approvals are issued at the requisition level (that is, when the Requisition option is selected for the approval level in the Requisition Settings screen), and the requisition status is not pending.
Click this button to view and maintain the transaction currency, rate groups, and exchange rates for the requisition. This button is disabled if you do not have access to Costpoint Multicurrency.
Click this button to view requisition total amounts.
Click this button to open the Account Distribution subtask, which you can use to distribute requisition line charges to single or multiple project/account/organization combinations.
Click this to button to open the RQ header documents subtask, where you can assign documents to the requisition header. These documents are established within the Product Definition module, or by requisition as needed.
Click this button to open the RQ Line documents subtask, where you can assign documents to the purchase requisition line. These documents are established within the Product Definition module, or added by purchase requisition as needed.
Click this button to access the Line Charges subtask, in which you can set up additional estimated charges for a line item.
Click this button to access the Requisition Line Standard Text subtask, which you can use to assign established standard text for this requisition line.
Click this button to access the Request for Quotes subtask, in which you can create or link a request for quote to this requisition line item.
Click this button to open the Reference Quotes subtask, in which you can add quote information for a requisition line item or reference existing vendor quotes that were used by the buyer to source the requisitioned item.
Click this button to open the Assign PO subtask, in which you can assign a requisition line to one or more purchase order lines.
Click this button to view approval status information for this requisition line. This button is available when approvals are issued at the requisition line level (i.e., the Requisition Line option is selected for the approval level in the Requisition Settings screen), and the requisition status is not pending.