Use this subtask to view information on open vouchers. These vouchers have not been posted to the General Ledger. For subcontract POs, this subtasks screen title will be Subcontract PO Open Vouchers by Line. Otherwise, this subtask's screen title will be Open Vouchers By Line.
This field displays the purchase order ID.
This field displays the release number if the order is for a release of a blanket order.
This field displays the type of order. The system-defined types are "Purchase Order," "Blanket Order," and "Release Order."
This field displays the change order number if the purchase order has had a change order created in the Create PO Change Orders screen.
This field displays the line number of the order.
This field displays the miscellaneous charge type for the order line.
This field displays the purchase order unit of measure. This field is hidden when viewing subcontract POs.
This field displays the item ID for this order line.
This field displays the revision and a description of the item.
This field displays the due date of the item.
This field displays the original due date of the item.
This field displays the desired date of the item.
This field displays the transaction currency of the item. The invoice for these materials will be in this transaction currency.
This field displays the gross unit cost for the item ordered. This is the cost of one unit of the item prior to applying any volume discounts. This field is hidden when viewing subcontract POs.
This field displays the net unit cost of one unit of the item after any volume discounts have been applied. This field is hidden when viewing subcontract POs.
This field displays the amount of the accepted material. This field is hidden when viewing subcontract POs.
This field displays the amount of the rejected material with pay disposition. This field is hidden when viewing subcontract POs.
This field displays the current order amount for the subcontract PO line.
This field displays the actual work completed (i.e., cumulative from inception to date) for the subcontract PO line. This field is calculated as Percent Complete * Subcontract Order Amount in the Update Subcontract PO Status screen.
This field displays the completed work retention amount for the PO line, which is the actual value of completed work (cumulative from inception to date) that has been withheld from payment. When you update the subcontract PO status, this amount cannot be greater than the Completed Work Amount for the subcontract PO line. The Completed Work Retention percentage rate is calculated as Completed Work Retention Amt / Completed Work Amount in the Update Subcontract PO Status screen.
This field displays the vouchered amount, which is the value of accounts payable vouchers that have been created (cumulative from inception to date) against the subcontract PO line.
This field displays the stored materials amount, which is the value of the materials (cumulative from inception to date) that have been supplied to a site for use on a subcontract PO line item job. This amount is included in payment voucher calculations.
This field displays the stored materials retention amount, which is the actual value of stored materials (cumulative from inception to date) that has been withheld from payment. When you update the subcontract PO status, this amount cannot be greater than the Stored Materials Amt for the line. The Stored Materials Retention Amount is calculated as Stored Materials Retention Pct * Stored Materials Amt in the Update Subcontract PO Status screen.
This column displays the voucher number associated with the purchase order line.
This column displays the line number on the voucher.
This column displays the pay vendor for this voucher.
This column displays the vendor invoice number.
This column displays the vendor invoice date.
This column displays the invoiced quantity. This field is hidden when viewing subcontract POs.
This column displays the unit cost from the invoice. This field is hidden for subcontract POs.
This column displays the extended amount from the invoice.
This column displays the line charges from the invoice. This field is hidden for subcontract POs.
The taxability of this item is displayed in this column: "S" (Sales taxable), "V" (Value added taxable), "U" (Use taxable), "R" (Reverse taxable), and "N" (Non-taxable).
This column displays the sales or value added tax amount from the invoice.
This column displays the use or reverse tax amount from the invoice.
This column displays the line amount from the invoice.
This column displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether the voucher is on hold and is not eligible for automatic approval or posting.
This column displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether the voucher is approved.
This column displays the employee ID of the approver.
This column displays the date of approval.
This column displays the check number cut for this voucher.
This column displays the check date for this voucher.
This column displays the currency in which this voucher will be paid.
This column displays the check amount for this voucher.
This column displays the amount of discount taken for this voucher.
This column displays the fiscal year the check was posted for this voucher.
This column displays the period the check was posted for this voucher.
This column displays the subperiod the check was posted for this voucher.
This column displays the fiscal year the voucher will be posted.
This column displays the period the voucher will be posted.
This column displays the subperiod the voucher will be posted.
Use this pushbutton to view information on invoice quantities matched to existing receipts. This pushbutton is available only when you are viewing Purchase Orders, Blanket Orders, and Receipt Orders. For Subcontract POs, the Match Update pushbutton displays instead of the Match Rcpts pushbutton.
Use this pushbutton to view completion information from the subcontract PO status update (i.e., progress payment request) that was the basis for generating the selected voucher line. You can enter subcontract PO status updates in the Update Subcontract PO Status screen. You can create subcontract PO vouchers and voucher lines in the Enter PO Vouchers screen and the Create Subcontract PO Vouchers screen (for Auto-Vouchering) in Costpoint Accounts Payable. This pushbutton is available for Subcontract POs only; otherwise, the Match Recpts pushbutton displays.
Use this pushbutton to view information on charge allocations against the purchase order voucher line.