Use this screen to gather data for the header and footer of the Cost Schedule Status Report (C/SSR), which is required for certain projects produced for the federal government. You must complete this screen to print the C/SSR for a specific project level. If you do not plan to print a C/SSR for a specific project level, it is not necessary to enter data in this screen.
Use this screen as the first step in creating a Cost Schedule Status Report. All data selected here will display in either the header or footer of the C/SSR.
Click the New Line icon on the toolbar to enter data into the table row by row, or use the Load Table subtask to load the table based on project or organization selections.
Enter, or use to select, the project to appear on the
header of the C/SSR. Each project level can have only one row. Enter the
project levels for which you want to print C/SSRs. This value will print
in item 2.a. on the C/SSR.
Select an option from the drop-down list. Valid options are:
P - Production
R - Research, Development, Time, and Expense
P (Production) is the default for this column. This value will print in item 3.b. on the C/SSR.
Enter the undistributed budget amount for this row. This amount prints in item 7.(7)d. of the C/SSR.
Enter the estimated undistributed budget amount for this row. This amount prints in item 7.(8)d. of the C/SSR.
Enter the over target baseline date. This date will print in item 6.h. of the C/SSR.
Enter the management reserve amount. This amount prints in item 7.(7)f. of the C/SSR.
Enter the share ratio percent. This percent will print in item 2.d. of the C/SSR.
Enter the estimated cost of unpriced work. This amount prints in item 6.d. of the C/SSR.
Click this button to enter the Load Table subtask, where you can load this table with data for the projects specified.
Changes to this screen update the PROJ_CSSR_INFO table.