Use this screen to view sales order information. Detailed sales order line information, such as issues and voucher history, is displayed along with approval information.  If you are using Costpoint Multicurrency, some amount fields will be denoted with the prefix "Trans Currency."

Use the Sales Order Status Inquiry screen whenever you need to verify the status of a sales order.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, a project ID to limit the inquiry to a particular project; then select the Execute button on the toolbar. You can refine your inquiry by selecting a sales order status code or combination of status codes from the Select SO Status group box. Leave the Project field blank before selecting Execute to include all sales orders that match the selected status codes.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, a catalog ID to limit the inquiry to a particular catalog; then select the Execute button on the toolbar. Select a sales order status code or combination of status codes from the Select SO Status group box to refine your inquiry. Leave the Catalog field blank before selecting Execute to include all sales orders that match the selected status codes.

Trans Currency

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a transactional currency to limit the inquiry to sales orders for a particular currency; then select the Execute button on the toolbar. Select a sales order status code or combination of status codes from the Select SO Status group box to refine your inquiry. Leave the Trans Currency field blank before selecting Execute to include all sales orders that match the selected status codes.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, a customer ID to limit the inquiry to sales orders for a particular customer; then select the Execute button on the toolbar. Select a sales order status code or combination of status codes from the Select SO Status group box to refine your inquiry. Leave the Customer field blank before selecting Execute to include all sales orders that match the selected status codes.

Sales Order

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a sales order ID to limit the inquiry to a particular sales order; then select the Execute button on the toolbar. Leave the Sales Order field blank before selecting Execute to include all sales orders that match the selected status codes.


This field displays the release number associated with the sales order ID.

Select SO Status

Use this group box to retrieve a sales order or group of sales orders. Valid options are: Pending, In Approval, Approved, Rejected, Closed, Void, and Sys Closed. Select the status code(s) checkboxes on which to base your inquiry then select the Execute button on the toolbar to display the related sales orders. Use these status codes with a value entered in the Project, Catalog, Customer, or Sales Order fields, or base your inquiry solely on one or more status codes.


This group box is currently unavailable.

Table Window


This field displays the sales order ID.


This field displays the release number associated with the sales order ID.


This field displays the sales order status.

Approval Process

This field displays the approval process for the sales order if approvals are required; otherwise, this field is empty.


This field currently displays the only available type code, "S" (Sales order). Options such as change orders, blanket orders, and release orders will be added in future versions of Costpoint.

Customer, Customer Name

These fields display the customer's ID and name from the sales order.

Price Project

This field displays the price project ID, if selected on the sales order.

Price Catalog

This field displays the price catalog ID, if selected on the sales order.

Sales Rep, Sales Rep Name

These fields display the sales representative's ID and name, if selected on the sales order.

Order Date

This field displays the date on which the sales order was created.

SO Total Amt

This field displays the sales order's total dollar amount (including line charges and taxes).

Trans Currency

This field displays the transactional currency of the sales order.

Trans Currency SO Total Amt

This field displays the total amount of the sales order in the specified transactional currency.

Customer PO

This field displays the customer purchase order number if it was entered for the sales order in the Enter Sales Orders screen.


This field displays the quote number (with a maximum of 10 characters), if applicable, for the sales order. This value is entered in the Header Information subtask of the Enter Sales Orders screen.

Entry User

This field displays the user ID of the person who entered the sales order.

Hdr Detail

Select this pushbutton to view detailed header information for a selected sales order row.


Use this pushbutton to view approval information for a selected sales order row.

SO Lines

Select this pushbutton to view individual line information for a selected sales order row.

Exchange Rate

Select this pushbutton to view the Exchange rate and currency information for each line item in the main table window. This pushbutton is disabled if multicurrency is not required for sales orders.