Use this screen to define all the receiving accounts to be used in the IWO transfer entry. Use the Link Expenses subtask to link each of the receiving accounts to one or more sending accounts, optionally delimited by organizations. All accounts in the sending project’s project account group that have a function code of labor or non-labor must be linked to a receiving account. The IWO transfer process uses all transactions in the BILLING_DETL_HIST table during the transfer process. An error message will result if there are missing links for transactions in this table. Only labor, non-labor, and units accounts exist in the BILLING_DETL_HIST table. Unit transactions, however, cannot be included in an IWO transfer.
If you want to transfer at the lowest level of detail, you can assign a new transfer account for each type of cost. These expense mappings are created here and then later linked to the sending IWO projects. Create as many expense mappings as you need; however, only one expense mapping can be assigned to an IWO project.
At the conclusion of the IWO process, you will post a journal entry to the receiving database, transferring costs from the sending location. The expenses on the receiving side may or may not have the same account numbers or structure as the sending database.
This is the second step in setting up the transfer process. Unless you have previously created transfer location(s), please begin the process with the Maintain Transfer Locations screen.
Enter a unique six-character alphanumeric code to represent the account mapping that you are creating in this screen.
If you select this check box, you cannot use accounts or organizations that have not passed Costpoint system validations. This check box is usually selected for internal IWO transfers and left blank for external IWO transfers.
Enter a 30-character alphanumeric code to describe the expense mapping.
Use this table window to establish the mapping of receiving to sending accounts. Use the New Line icon on the toolbar to activate the first line in the table window.
Click the New Line icon on the
toolbar and enter, or use to select, the receiving account
number for this expense mapping.
will be available
only if you have selected the Validate
Accounts check box.
Tab through the Posting Account column to view the name of the posting account. No account name will be displayed if you did not select the Validate Accounts check box.
Select a line in the table and click this button to open the Link Expenses subtask where you can link an "outgoing" account and organization to the receiving project's account.
IWO expense mapping (IWO_EXP_MAPPING) populates the IWO Expense Mapping screen.
The Expense
Mapping field (IWO_EXP_MAP_CD) is a six-character, user-defined
field. The entries in this field are later available in so that you can select an expense mapping group to which
the IWO project will be assigned in the IWO Project Setup screen (Projects » Inter-Company Work Orders » Controls).
The Description field (IWO_EXP_MAP_DESC) is a 30-character, user-defined field used to describe the Expense Mapping code.
The Validate Accounts check box (VALIDATE_ACCT_FL) tells Costpoint whether posting accounts need to be validated against the current account structure and content of the database. If an external database is receiving the transfer, the account structure may be different from the sending database. In this type of scenario, leave the check box blank. However, if you intend to transfer data internally within the current database, you should select this check box and ensure accounts created in this screen are correct at this time.
Modified by (MODIFIED_BY) is a system-used field identifying the user ID of the person making the entry or change.
Time stamp (TIME_STAMP) is a system-used field identifying the time and date of the row creation or modification.
Row version (ROWVERSION) is a system-used field.
IWO expense account (IWO_EXP_ACCT) populates the table window of the IWO Expense Mapping screen.
The IWO Expense Mapping code (IWO_EXP_MAP_CD) is a system-created key that maps the child table to the parent IWO expense mapping (IWO_EXP_MAPPING) table.
The Posting Account field (RCV_ACCT_ID) is a 15-character field. This should be a valid account and have valid account structure for the receiving database. If you did not select the Validate Accounts check box, the system will not validate this field. Therefore, be careful when entering accounts to ensure they will pass the preprocessor edit after the transfer is made.
Modified by (MODIFIED_BY) is a system-used field identifying the user ID of the person making the entry or change.
Time stamp (TIME_STAMP) is a system-used field identifying the time and date of the row creation or modification.
Row version (ROWVERSION) is a system-used field.
The Link To Expenses button at the bottom of the IWO Expense Mapping screen creates the mapping from the receiving accounts entered in the table window. Highlight the row you want to map and click the Link to Expenses button.
To populate the IWO expense account line (IWO_EXP_ACCT_LN), use the Link To Expenses button. Functionally, the process is similar to the Accounts subtask of the Generic Billing Formats screen (Projects » Billing » Formats).
These fields are in the Link Expenses subtask:
IWO Expense Mapping ID (IWO_EXP_MAP_CD) is a system-created key that maps the child table to the parent. The IWO expense account (IWO_EXP_ACCT) information from the main screen appears in a non-editable field directly below the expense mapping ID.
Receiving account code (RCV_ACCT_ID) data appears in the Posting Account field and is non-editable. This value matches the Posting Account on the line highlighted on the main screen.
IWO expense line account key (IWO_EXP_LN_AC_KEY) is a system-assigned sequence number used to uniquely identify the row in the table. The source of the next entry number is in the sequence generator table for this application.
Cost account ID (COST_ACCT_ID)
is the Account field
in the table window. This is the sending database account that will map
to the posting account identified in the screen header. It should be a
valid account in the current database. is available for
this field.
Cost organization
ID (COST_ORG_ID) is the Organization
field in the table window. This field, if used, will limit the account
entry for the project to a specific organization. If all organizations
charging to the project should be allowed for selection, leave this field
blank. If only some of the organizations need to be transferred, each
of the organizations to be transferred needs a separate line. is available for this field.
Allocation group number (ALLOC_GRP_NO) contains only group number one. In Costpoint Cost and Revenue Processing, the only pools that are posted to the General Ledger are those with allocation group number one. IWO creates that allocation group number in a field so that you can post the entry to the General Ledger.
Fiscal Year (FY_CD) is an optional field and, if used, will limit data transferred to a specific fiscal year. If this field is left blank, all fiscal years' data will be transferred.
Pool number (POOL_NO) field specifies the specific pool used to burden the costs for specific accounts to be transferred.
If you enter a Y (Yes) in the COM (COM_FL) field, cost of money for the specific pool will be transferred. If you enter N (No), cost of money will not be included in the pool amount transferred.
If you enter a Y (Yes) in the Fee (FEE_FL) field, fee on costs will be transferred. If you enter N (No), no fee costs will be transferred.
If you enter a Y (Yes) in the Retainage (RTNGE_FL) field, retainage amounts will be transferred for the whole account. If you enter N (No), no retainage will be considered. You need to make an entry in this field only once if there are multiple lines for a specific account.
If you enter a Y (Yes) in the Over Ceiling (OVER_CEIL_FL) field, ceiling amounts will be transferred for the whole account. If you enter N (No), no ceilings will be considered. You need to make an entry in this field only once if there are multiple lines for a specific account.
Modified by (MODIFIED_BY) is a system-used field identifying the user ID of the person making the entry or change.
Time stamp (TIME_STAMP) is a system-used field identifying the time and date of the row creation or modification.
Row version (ROWVERSION) is a system-used field.