Use this screen to view serial/lot tracking information for any part that has had serial/lot numbers issued in an inventory transaction. You can base the search on one or more criteria such as part/revision, vendor, manufacturer, vendor part/revision, manufacturer part/ revision, manufacturer/ vendor serial, manufacturer/vendor lot, and/or shelf-life cutoff date. You can also view current inventory or past inventory transaction history for a selected serial/lot.

You can record serial numbers for parts (only) that are flagged as requiring SO Configuration Tracking in the Maintain Part Master screen in Costpoint Product Definition. You can populate serial/lot information from the inventory serial lot transaction or assign it according to the settings in the Serial/Lot Settings screen.

Note: This inquiry application displays serial/lot information assigned to parts in an inventory transaction, including issues, adjustments, and transactions in Costpoint Inventory. You can also access this application in Costpoint Sales Order Entry.

Use this screen whenever you need to view serial/lot information for a particular part.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the part number to select serial/lot information.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the revision of the part number to select serial/lot information.


This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the part/revision entered.


This field displays whether the part/revision entered is a manufactured or a purchased item.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the internal serial number.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the internal lot number.

Note: Only those serial/lot numbers that have been issued to a part in an inventory transaction will display in the Lookup window.  If you populate the Serial and/or Lot fields and select Execute, the part to which the serial/lot number is assigned will populate the table window, and the subtasks in this screen will be enabled.

Shelf Life Cutoff Date

Enter a date in this field. Only those items with a shelf life expiration date on or before that date will be selected.

Manufacturer/Vendor Information


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the vendor ID of the company that supplied the serial/lot. The vendor name will be displayed in the adjacent field.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the vendor part number of the serial/lot. If you use Lookup to select the vendor part, the revision number will be displayed in the adjacent field. Otherwise, enter the vendor part revision number for the serial/lot in the adjacent field.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the manufacturer ID of the company that manufactured the serial/lot. The manufacturer name will be displayed in the adjacent field.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the manufacturer part number of the serial/lot. If you use Lookup to select the manufacturer part, the revision number will be displayed in the adjacent field. Otherwise, enter the manufacturer part revision number for the serial/lot in the adjacent field.


Enter the external (manufacturer/vendor) serial number of the serial/lot.


Enter the external (manufacturer/vendor) lot number of the serial/lot.

Table Window

Serial/lot line information is displayed in this table. To inquire at a more detailed level, select the line for which you want additional information, and then select the appropriate pushbutton to expand the inquiry accordingly. You can also double-click on a specific line to go straight to the Serial/Lot Detail subtask.


This column displays the part number. This field is hidden if you entered a Part number in the header section.


This column displays the revision number of the part. This field is hidden if you entered a part Rev number in the header section.


This column displays the serial number. This field is hidden if you entered a Serial number in the header section.


This column displays the lot number. This field is hidden if you entered a Lot number in the header section.


This column displays the vendor ID of the company that supplied the serial/lot. This field is hidden if you entered a Vendor in the header section.

Vendor Name

This column displays the vendor name of the company that supplied the serial/lot. This field is hidden if a vendor name is entered in the header section.

Vendor Part

This column displays the vendor part number of the serial/lot. This field is hidden if you entered a vendor part number in the header section.

Vendor Rev

This column displays the vendor part revision number. This field is hidden if you entered a vendor part revision number in the header section.


This column displays the manufacturer ID of the company that supplied the serial/lot. This field is hidden if you entered a manufacturer in the header section.

Manufacturer Name

This column displays the manufacturer name of the company that supplied the serial/lot. This field is hidden if you entered a manufacturer name in the header section.

Manufacturer Part

This column displays the manufacturer part number of the serial/lot. This field is hidden if you entered a manufacturer part number in the header section.

Manuf Rev

This column displays the manufacturer part revision number. This field is hidden if you entered a manufacturer part revision number in the header section.

Manuf/Vend Serial

This column displays the external (manufacturer/vendor) serial number of the displayed internal serial/lot. This field is hidden if you entered a manufacturer/vendor serial number in the header section.

Manuf/Vend Lot

This column displays the external (manufacturer/vendor) lot number of the displayed internal serial/lot. This field is hidden if you entered a manufacturer/vendor lot number in the header section.

Shelf Life Expiration Date

This column displays the shelf life expiration date of the serial/lot.

Vendor Warranty Expiration Date

This column displays the date on which the vendor's warranty expires for the serial/lot.

Transaction Date

This column displays the date on which the transaction occurred for the serial/lot.

User-Defined Field 1

This field displays additional information required for the first user-defined field. The column title is set up in the Serial/Lot User Defined Labels screen.

User-Defined Field 2

This field displays additional information required for the second user-defined field. The column title is set up in the Serial/Lot User Defined Labels screen.

User-Defined Field 3

This field displays additional information required for the third user-defined field. The column title is set up in the Serial/Lot User Defined Labels screen.

User-Defined Field 4

This field displays additional information required for the fourth user-defined field. The column title is set up in the Serial/Lot User Defined Labels screen.

User-Defined Field 5

This field displays additional information required for the fifth user-defined field. The column title is set up in the Serial/Lot User Defined Labels screen.


This field displays the BOM configuration ID used to build the serial/lot.


This field displays a valid routing number for the item that was used when building this serial/lot.

Effective Date

This field displays the Bills of Material "as-of" date that was used when building this serial/lot.

Vendor Warranty

This field displays the code for the type of vendor warranty provided by the vendor.

Vend Warranty Start Date

This field displays the date on which the vendor's warranty began for this serial/lot.

Customer Warranty

This field displays the code for the type of warranty provided to the customer.

Cust Warranty Start Date

This field displays the date on which the customer's warranty began for this serial/lot.

Cust Warranty Expiration Date

This field displays the date on which the customer's warranty will expire for this serial/lot.

Sales Order Tag

This field displays the sales order tag number for this serialized item.

Maintenance Purchased

This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether the customer has purchased maintenance for this item.

Maintenance Sales Order

This field displays the sales order number for the maintenance provided to the customer.

Maintenance Release

This field displays the sales order release for the maintenance provided to the customer.

Maintenance SO Line

This field displays the sales order line for the maintenance provided to the customer.


Select this pushbutton to open the Serial/Lot Detail subtask to view more information for a selected serial/lot row.

Inv Location

Select this pushbutton to open the Inventory Location Detail subtask to view where a selected serial/lot is currently located.

Trans History

Select this pushbutton to open the Transaction History subtask to view the inventory transaction history for a selected serial/lot row.


Select this pushbutton to open the Sales Order Issues subtask to view the sales order issues associated with a selected serial/lot row.

Table Information


This screen also relies on the settings in the INVT_SETTINGS and ITEM_SETTINGS_CORP and tables.