Use this subtask to view all inventory transactions for a specified serial/lot for a part. Use it whenever you need to review transaction information about a selected serial/lot part.
This field displays the part ID from the main screen. The part description displays in the untitled field below this field.
This field displays the part revision number from the main screen.
This field displays the inventory unit of measure of the selected serial/lot part.
This field displays the "M" (Make) or "B" (Buy) status of the selected serial/lot part.
This field displays the serial number of the part.
This field displays the lot number of the part.
This field displays the external (manufacturer/vendor) serial number of the displayed internal serial/lot.
This field displays the external (manufacturer/vendor) lot number of the displayed internal serial/lot.
Transaction line information is displayed in this table. To inquire at a more detailed level, select the line about which you want additional information, and then select the Trans Detail pushbutton to expand the inquiry accordingly. You can also double-click on a specific line to go straight to the Transaction Detail subtask. Each line is sorted by descending Transaction Date.
This column displays the transaction type for the selected transaction line. The available transaction types are as follows:
Cost Adjustment |
Quantity Adjustment |
Scrap Adjustment |
Issue to Manufacturing Order |
Issue to Project/Acct |
Issue to Purchase Order |
Issue to Sales Order |
Miscellaneous Receipt |
Purchase Order Receipt |
Vendor Return |
Inventory Inspection |
Location Transfer |
Project/Account Transfer |
Receipt Transfer |
This column displays the transaction ID.
This column displays the transaction line number.
This column displays the transaction date.
This column displays the quantity involved. A negative quantity usually means that the inventory was reduced by this amount (except for negative issues, which add to inventory).
This column displays the order ID.
This column displays the warehouse from which the inventory was taken.
This column displays the warehouse location from which the inventory was taken.
This column displays the inventory abbreviation from which the inventory was taken.
This column displays the project associated with the part for the selected transaction.
This column displays the warehouse to which the inventory was moved.
This column displays the warehouse location to which the inventory was moved.
This column displays the inventory abbreviation to which the transaction was charged.
This column displays the project to which the transaction was charged.
This column displays the account to which the selected transaction was charged.
This column displays the organization to which the selected transaction was charged.
Select this pushbutton to open the Transaction Detail subtask.