Use this screen to store inventory against a specific project. The project must already exist in the Project Master table in the Projects folder.
Once this function is set up, you can define what costing method is used to calculate the value of inventory, how costs are rolled up between projects within the same top-level project, how the project inventory is grouped for planning purposes, and whether issues between projects can be performed without a prior project transfer.
Inventory can be stored only if one inventory abbreviation is created for that project. Establish inventory abbreviations before processing inventory transactions for a specific project.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the project ID or project abbreviation to which inventory will be assigned. After the project ID or abbreviation is entered, the project name is automatically displayed.
Select the method that will be used to calculate the value of inventory for this project. The selected method will be used when posting transactions to the General Ledger. The system-defined methods are as follows:
Average Actual - The inventory will be valued based on the average cost of each transaction for the given inventory project.
First In First Out (FIFO) - This method is currently unavailable.
Last In First Out (LIFO) - This method is currently unavailable.
Standard - This method is currently unavailable.
Select this checkbox to indicate that the project involves company-owned, non-allocated inventory, which means it will not be tied to a specified project and can be used across many different projects. If you do not select the checkbox, this inventory project will be tied to a specific project and unavailable for use across other projects.
Enter, or select using Lookup, a requisition approval process code to be loaded on all requisitions generated for this inventory project.
Use the selections in this group box to determine the control parameter for allowing issues and adjustments between and among projects.
Select this radio button to prevent issues and adjustments outside of the "from" project.
Select this option to allow issues and adjustments within the same top-level project as the "from" project.
Select this radio button to allow issues and adjustments within the same netting group.
Select this option to allow issues and adjustments from one project to another.
Select the default method to account for project costs when issues are posted. Projects with asset accounts will always roll up to all levels.
Select this radio button to have raw material costs remain within the project level assigned.
Select this radio button to have purchased part costs roll up one project level only. This option will have the costs of purchased materials rolled up during issues except WIP or subassembly costs.
Select this radio button to have costs roll up to the highest project level. This option will always have all costs rolled up during issues.
Select this radio button if MOs allocated to this project cannot be allocated to other projects.
Select this radio button if MOs allocated to this project can be allocated only to other projects with the same top-level project.
Select this radio button if MOs allocated to this project can be allocated only to other projects within the same netting group.
Select this radio button if MOs allocated to this project can be allocated to other projects.
Select the Project Planning Option for production control for this inventory project. This option is used by the MRP process to determine how project inventory is planned. Available options are:
Project-CS - If the part is not a common stock part, this option selects inventory rows with a part key that belongs to the selected Inventory Project. If it is a common stock part, this option also includes all inventory rows with a part key for inventory projects where the Common Inventory checkbox is selected. This is the default.
Project-No CS - This option selects inventory rows with a part key that belongs to the selected Inventory Project.
Top-level Project-No CS - This option selects inventory rows with a part key that belongs to the same top-level project as the selected Inventory Project. The other projects must also have the same Project Planning Option to be included.
Top-level Project-CS - If the part is not a common stock part, this option selects inventory rows with a part key that belongs to the same top-level project as the selected top-level project. The other projects must also have the same Project Planning Option. If it is a common stock part, this option also includes all inventory rows with part key for inventory projects where the Common Inventory checkbox is selected.
Netting Group-CS - If the part is not a common stock part, this option selects inventory rows with a part key that belongs to the same Netting Group as the selected Inventory Project. If it is a common stock part, this option also includes all inventory rows with a part key for inventory projects where the Common Inventory checkbox is selected.
Netting Group-No CS - This option selects inventory rows with a part key that belongs to the same Netting Group as the selected Inventory Project.
All Projects - This option selects inventory rows with a part key that belongs to the inventory abbreviations with inventory projects that also have the Project Planning Option of "All Projects."
No MRP Planning - This option selects inventory rows with a part key that belongs to the selected Inventory Project.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the netting group ID for this inventory project. Establish netting groups in Costpoint Production Control. This option is available only if the option you selected in the Project Planning Option field requires a netting group.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the planning warehouse for this inventory project. This is used by Costpoint Production Control and Material Requirements Planning to determine where common inventory can be used.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ID of the planner responsible for planning this inventory.
Enter the last Manufacturing Order (MO) ID if MO IDs are auto-assigned by project.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a default Raw Material (RM) inventory abbreviation to be used on purchase requisitions whenever this inventory project is selected.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a default Finished Goods (FG) inventory abbreviation to be used on manufacturing orders whenever this inventory project is selected.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the inventory abbreviation to be used by Costpoint Material Requirements Planning for common stock parts required for this project.
Select this pushbutton to view and assign inventory abbreviations to this project, along with all relevant account and organization information.
Documentation for Project Inventory Accounts will be forthcoming in an additional Help release.
This pushbutton is currently unavailable.
Select this pushbutton to open the MO WIP Asset Accounts subtask.
Changes to this screen update the INVT_PROJ table. This screen also relies on the settings in the INVT_SETTINGS, MRP_SETTINGS, MRP_SETTINGS_CORP, and PC_SETTINGS tables. Information for inventory projects is also stored in and/or pulled from the following tables, as indicated for the applicable subtasks in this screen: ACCT, INVT_ABBRV_CD, INVT_TRN_LN, INVT_WHSE_LOC, NET_GRP, ORG, PLANNER, PO_LN, PO_LN_CHNG, PROJ, PROJ_EDIT, PROJ_ORG_ACCT, RECPT_LN, RQ_APPRVL_PROC, RQ_LN, S_CST_MTHD_CD, S_INVT_ACCT_TYPE, S_MRP_OPTION_CD.