Use this screen to change the fiscal year/period/subperiod for selected accounting transactions. When a transaction's fiscal year/period/subperiod combination is incorrect or closed, Defer Unposted Transactions allows you to change the combination instead of manually re-entering the transaction.
Costpoint requires that you enter a transaction only for an open fiscal year/period/subperiod combination, but you can later post the transaction to that combination whether it is open or closed at the time of posting. You can limit posting only to open fiscal year/period/subperiod combinations by selecting the Posting Validation check box in the General Ledger module's G/L Settings screen. If you select this check box, use Defer Unposted Transactions to change the fiscal year/period/subperiod for transactions from a closed combination to an open one, then use the General Ledger module's Post JEs screen to post the transactions.
Use this group box to specify the closed fiscal year/period/subperiod combination for which you originally entered the transactions in Costpoint.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the fiscal year of the fiscal year/period/subperiod combination for which you originally entered the transactions.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the accounting period of the fiscal year/period/subperiod combination for which you originally entered the transactions.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the accounting subperiod of the fiscal year/period/subperiod combination for which you originally entered the transactions.
Use this group box to specify the currently open fiscal year/period/subperiod combination to which you want to defer the accounting transactions.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the currently open fiscal year to which to defer timesheet transactions. If you select AP Vouchers, PO Vouchers, or Journal Entries in the Select By drop-down list within the Select Journals group box, the system disables this field and populates it with the same Fiscal Year you specified in the Select Subperiod of Origin group box.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the currently open period within the Fiscal Year to which to defer the transactions. If you select Journal Entries in the Select By drop-down list within the Select Journals group box, the system disables this field and populates it with the same Period you specified in the Select Subperiod of Origin group box.
Enter, or use the drop-down list to select, the currently open subperiod within the Fiscal Year and Period to which to defer the transactions.
Use the fields in this group box to select the accounting transactions to defer to an open fiscal year/period/subperiod.
Specify the type of accounting transactions to defer to an open fiscal year/period/subperiod from the drop-down list. You can defer AP Vouchers, PO Vouchers, Journal Entries, or Timesheets.
Use the drop-down list to define the range of transactions to defer to the fiscal year/period/subperiod specified in the Select New Subperiod group box.
All - defers all transactions of the Select By type entered for the fiscal year/period/subperiod specified in the Select Subperiod of Origin group box.
One - defers the A/P voucher, PO voucher, journal entry, or timesheet you specify in the From field in this group box.
Range - defers all transactions of the Select By type between and including the transactions you specify in From and To.
From Beginning - defers all transactions of the Select By type up to and including the transaction you specify in To.
To End - defers all transactions of the Select By type after and including the transaction you specify in From.
Enter, or use to select, an AP voucher, PO voucher,
journal entry, or timesheet to defer to an open fiscal year/period/subperiod.
The system enables this field if you select One,
Range, or To
End in Range Option. If
you select Range or To
End in Range Option, the
transaction you enter here indicates the first in a range of transactions
to defer.
Enter, or use to select, the last AP voucher, PO voucher,
journal entry, or timesheet in a range of transactions to defer to an
open fiscal year/period/subperiod. The system enables this field if you
select Range or From
Beginning in Range Option.
This field lists the transactions to defer when you specify multiple nonconsecutive single transactions and/or ranges of transactions.
Select this check box to choose multiple nonconsecutive transactions and/or ranges of transactions to defer to an open fiscal year/period/subperiod. When you select this check box, the system enables the Apply and Remove buttons, sets Range Option to One, and enables the From field.
To select individual transactions to defer:
Set Range Option to One, if necessary;
or use to select, an individual transaction in From;
Click the Apply button to add the transaction to Noncontiguous Range.
To select transaction ranges to defer:
Set Range Option to Range, From Beginning, or To End;
or use to select, a range of transactions in From
and/or To; and
Click the Apply button to add the range to Noncontinuous Range.
Use the above procedures as many times as necessary to list all transactions to defer in Noncontiguous Range.
Clear the List Mode check box to select only one transaction or range of transactions to defer using Range Option, From, and To as described previously in this topic.
Click this button to add transactions and/or ranges of transactions to the Noncontiguous Range field. The system enables this button when you select List Mode.
Click on an entry in the Noncontiguous Range field, then click this button to remove the selected entry from Noncontiguous Range. The system enables this button when you select List Mode.
Use to perform a preliminary validation of the transactions
you want to defer and view an error report without printing it. You must
correct the errors on the report before you can successfully defer the
Use to perform a preliminary validation of the transactions
you want to defer and print an error report. You must correct the errors
on the report before you can successfully defer the transactions.
Use to defer transactions and print an error report.
If the report contains any errors, the system deferred none of the transactions
included in the process. You must correct the errors on the report, process
this screen again, and receive an error-free report to successfully defer
the transactions. An error-free report verifies that the system deferred
the transactions to the open fiscal year/period/subperiod specified in
the Select New Subperiod group
Depending upon the transaction type you select in the Select By drop-down list within the Select Journals group box, changes in this screen update the following tables:
VCHR_HDR (Voucher Header) table for AP or PO vouchers
JE_HDR (Journal Entry Header) table for journal entries
TS_HDR (Timesheet Header) table for timesheets