Use this subtask to update/view a routing of the selected part to be changed by the ECN.
This field displays the ECN ID from the main screen. The unlabeled field to the right displays the description of the ECN from the main screen.
This field displays the part ID from the main screen. If the Action Code is "A- Add," "R - Replace," or "V- New Rev," this field displays the change-to part ID. If the Action Code is "C- Change" or "O - Obsolete," this field displays the original part ID.
The part description is displayed in the unlabeled field beneath this field. The description depends on the Action Code in the main screen.
This field displays the revision code associated with part ID from the main screen.
Enter the company ID from which routings should be loaded. This field will be hidden if you select the Separate Items by Company check box in the Product Definition Corporate Settings subtask in Costpoint Product Definition Settings. This field is populated with the company ID that is assigned to your user ID.
This editable text field displays routing header notes.
For new ECN rows, this field is populated with the notes associated with the Routing Number.
If you modify the notes, your changes are saved separately in the Costopoint database if there is at least one routing operation row. Upon implementation, your changes are reflected in this routing header notes field.
Required. Enter, or use to select, the routing number
being added or changed. You can enter up to two digits, which must
be a valid number associated with the part ID from the Maintain Routings
screen in Routings.
Required. Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters to describe the routing being added.
This check box is selected by default to designate the routing as primary. If you have selected another routing number for this part as the primary routing, clear this check box.
Select this check box to release the routing and make it ready for use. The default value is taken from the Default Initial Operation Status in the Routing group box in the Routings Settings screen in Routings.
Select from the drop-down list the action this ECN performs. You can select "A - Add," "C - Change," "D - Delete," or "O - Obsolete." This field defaults to "A - Add" when you add a new line or copy an existing routing using the Copy Routing button.
Required. Enter up to two digits for the operation sequence number of the routing step.
Required. Enter up to two digits for the alternate operation number, or leave it at zero, the default, if it is not an alternate operation.
Required. Enter up to two digits for the step number of the routing operation. The default is "1" if it is a new operation number/alternate number combination. Otherwise, use the highest number for the specified operation number/alternate number combination, plus one.
Select from the drop-down list the type of routing step: "S - Standard," "C - Cost Only," or "P - Planning Only." This field is required. The default is "S - Standard."
Required. Enter, or use to select, the ID of the operation
being performed in this routing step. This field accepts values of up
to 12 alphanumeric characters, which must be a valid operation ID from
the Maintain Labor Operations screen or Maintain Subcontractor Operations
screen in Routings.
This field displays the operation type associated with the operation ID.
This field displays the labor operation or subcontract operation associated with this operation ID.
Required. Enter up to 60 alphanumeric characters to describe the routing step. The default is the description associated with operation ID.
Enter, or use to select, the work center where the
labor operation is being performed. This field accepts values of up to
12 alphanumeric characters, which must be a valid work center from the
Maintain Work Centers screen in Routings. The default is the work center
associated with this Labor operation. If it is a subcontract operation,
this field is blank.
Enter, or use to select, the type of process that is
performed by the routing step. This field accepts values of up to eight
alphanumeric characters, which must be a valid type from the Process Types
screen in Routings. The default is the process type associated with the
work center if the operation is a labor operation and you have selected
the Work Center
radio button as the Routing Primary Default Source in the Routings Settings
screen in Routings. Otherwise, the default value is associated with operation
Enter "Y" (Yes) in this required field if this is a QC operation that will require QC approval in shop floor control. The default is from the QC Operation check box in the Maintain Labor Operations screen in Routings.
Enter "Y" (Yes) in this required field if this operation requires the user to record completion in Shop Floor Control (SFC). The default is from the SFC Operation check box in the Maintain Labor Operations screen in Routings.
Required. Select "V - Variable" from the drop-down list if run hours are calculated on a per-unit basis, or "F - Fixed" if it is not, based on order size. The default value is from the Default Run Type field in the Maintain Labor Operations screen in Routings.
Enter up to 10 digits for the number of operating hours it takes to complete one unit in this routing step. The default value is from the Default Unit Run Hours field in the Maintain Labor Operations screen in Routings.
Required. Enter the date on which this routing step becomes effective. The default is the part's effective date on the main screen.
Enter the date on which this routing step is no longer effective.
Enter "Y" (Yes) in this required field if this routing step is considered released and ready for use. The default is "Y" is you selected the Released Routing check box.
Required. Enter "Y" (Yes) to copy all other existing routing line data to this new routing line. The default is "N" (No) unless the Copy Part Routing Data subtask is used, in which case this field changes to "Y" (Yes) after the copy procedure is complete. If this field is "Y" (Yes), the implementation process pulls all routing line data and subordinate table data (routing line text, notes, documents, and so on) that is not included on this screen to the new routing line when the change is implemented.
The name of this field comes from the Label 1 field in the Routings User-Defined Field Labels group box in the Routings Settings screen. Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters for this user-defined field.
The name of this field comes from the Label 2 field in the Routings User-Defined Field Labels group box in the Routings Settings screen. Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters for this user-defined field.
The name of this field comes from the Label 3 field in the Routings User-Defined Field Labels group box in Routings Settings screen. Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters for this user-defined field.
Click this button to load the steps of the routing entered above.
Click this button to copy the routing from another part/routing number.