Use this screen to develop approval processes for engineering change notices. Approval processes are made up of one to many approval titles (created in the EC Approval Titles screen) that are linked together in the sequence in which they are performed. You can create as many approval processes as necessary, but you can link only one approval process per ECN.
If you selected the ECN Class radio button in the EC Settings screen (S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD = "C'), you can also use this screen to assign the approval process to one or more of the three ECN classes. Do this by selecting the appropriate Class checkboxes at the top of the screen. The program will perform a validation to ensure that a given class is not assigned to more than one approval process.
If you selected the ECN Type radio button in the EC Settings screen (S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD = "T"), you can link approval processes to one or more engineering change types in the Engineering Change Types subtask. When you open this subtask, all engineering change types not yet assigned to an approval process will be displayed in the left table window, while all types already assigned to the approval process will be displayed in the right table window.
If you selected the Organization radio button in the EC Settings screen (S_APPR_PROC_ASG_CD = "O"), you can link approval processes to one or more organizations in the Link Organizations subtask. When this subtask is opened, all organizations not yet assigned to an approval process will be displayed in the left table window, while all organizations already assigned to the approval process will be displayed in the right table window.
Two other subtasks are provided for information purposes only. The Approval Title Users subtask displays all the current approver users and employee information for each non-signature approval title. The Approval Title User Projects subtask displays all project/user links for approval title identified as project approver titles (EC_APP_TITLE. CHK_PROJ_FL = "Y").
Set up this screen before entering ECNs.
Enter up to eight alphanumeric characters in this required field for the new approval process.
Enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters in this required field to describe the approval process.
The checkboxes in this group box are enabled if the ECN Class radio button is selected in the Approval Process Assignment group box in the EC Settings screen.
Select this checkbox to assign the approval process to ECN Class I.
Select this checkbox to assign the approval process to ECN Class 1.5.
Select this checkbox to assign the approval process to ECN Class II.
Enter up to five numeric characters in this required field for the sequence number of this approval title step.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, a code for the approval title responsible for this approval step. The Approval Title code must be a valid one from EC Approval Titles screen.
This field displays a "Y" (Yes) if you selected the Check Project Approvers checkbox in the EC Approval Titles screen, or "N" (No) if you did not.
This field displays the default Approval Type ("Electronic," "Signature," or "Both") selected in the EC Approval Titles screen, indicating whether the approval is electronic (done online using the Approve ECNs screen), by signature (printed on the ECN traveler hardcopy), or both. You can edit this field. If the Approval Type is "Electronic" or "Both," but no users were set up in the Assign User Approval subtask of the EC Approval Titles screen, the system will display a warning message.
This field is used when doing customer approvals using the Approval Processes. Enter "Y" (Yes) if this approval step represents a customer approval. This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you selected the Customer Approval checkbox in the EC Approval Titles screen, or "N" (No) if you did not. You can edit this field. Only one approval title per process can be designated as a Customer Approval title.
Enter "Y" (Yes) in this editable field to allow approvers to change ECN configuration data during approval. This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you selected the Allow ECN Changes checkbox in the EC Approval Titles screen, or "N" (No) if you did not.
Enter "Y" (Yes) in this editable field to allow approvers to change ECN configuration data during approval. This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you selected the Allow ECN Configuration Changes checkbox in the EC Approval Titles screen, or "N" (No) if you did not.
Enter "Y" (Yes) in this editable field if this approval title applies to Class I ECNs. This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you selected the Use for Class I Changes checkbox in the EC Approval Titles screen, or "N" (No) if you did not.
Enter "Y" (Yes) in this editable field if this approval title applies to Class 1.5 ECNs. This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you selected the Use for Class 1.5 Changes checkbox in the EC Approval Titles screen, or "N" (No) if you did not.
Enter "Y" (Yes) in this editable field if this approval title applies to Class II ECNs. This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you selected the Use Class II Changes checkbox in the EC Approval Titles screen, or "N" (No) if you did not.
Enter "Y" (Yes) in this editable field to force the group's users to be tied to the ECN's organization in Org Security. Before selecting this checkbox, select the Org Security checkbox in the System Settings screen in Costpoint System Administration. This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you selected the Check Organization Security checkbox in the EC Approval Titles screen, or "N" (No) if you did not.
Enter "Y" (Yes) in this editable field if you want only approvers with an employee ID included in the Project Work Force of the ECN's approval project to be eligible to approve that ECN. This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you selected the Check Project Work Force checkbox in the EC Approval Titles screen, or "N" (No) if you did not.
Enter "Y" (Yes) in this editable field if you want users to be notified of pending ECNs needing their approval via Costpoint Workflow. This field displays "Y" (Yes) if you selected the Workflow Notify checkbox in the EC Approval Titles screen, or "N" (No) if you did not. If no users were set up in the Assign User Approval subtask screen of the EC Approval Titles screen, or the users' workflow fields are set to "N" (No), the system will display a warning message.
Enter the minimum ECN cost amount this group needs to approve. This amount cannot be negative. If the Minimum Amount is zero, there is no minimum.
Enter the maximum ECN cost amount this group needs to approve. This amount cannot be negative. You can enter up to 999,999,999,999.99 as the maximum amount. If the Maximum Amount is zero, there is no maximum.
Select this pushbutton to open the Engineering Change Types subtask and link the approval process to the engineering change types that will use it. This pushbutton is enabled if the ECN Type radio button is selected in the Approval Process Assignment group box in the EC Settings screen.
Select this pushbutton to open the Approval Title Users subtask and view the users that can perform the electronic approval for this title.
Use this pushbutton to open the Approval Title User Projects subtask and view the approval users for this approval title and the projects to which they are linked.
Use this pushbutton to open the Link Organizations subtask and link organizations to this approval title. This pushbutton is enabled if the Organization radio button is selected in the Approval Process Assignment group box in the EC Settings screen.