Use this subtask to link the approval process to selected organizations. The information in the left table window is from the Maintain Org Elements screen in Costpoint General Ledger. This subtask is enabled if the Organization radio button is selected in the Approval Process Assignment group box in the EC Settings screen.

Approval Process

These fields display the approval process code and description from the main screen.


Organization, Org Abbrev, Org Name

The organizations listed here are those that are currently active in Costpoint.

Selected Organizations

Organization, Org Abbrev, Org Name

These columns display the organizations linked to this approval process.


Highlight the organization rows in the left table and use the Select pushbutton to move them into the table on the right. The ECNs linked to the organizations listed in the table on the right side will be assigned this approval process.


Highlight the organization rows on the right table and use this pushbutton to move them back to the table on the left.