Use the Maintain Cash Forecast Template screen to define a template for use in the Create Preliminary Cash Forecasts process screen.
The setup process is similar to the setup in the Set Up Financial Statements screen. You will use a group heading to define each section of the cash forecast. Below the heading, the details display which accounts are assigned to the Line Titles detail lines.
You can use an Export button (located on the menu bar) to export the template data to Excel using a CSV-format file. This function lets you monitor duplications of accounts linked to multiple lines in the forecast template in this screen.
You must first set up the cash forecast template before linking cash forecast accounts to the template and creating the cash forecast.
We recommend that you develop a comprehensive plan describing which accounts will be included and linked to the lines on the cash forecast that you set the cash forecast template.
From this field you can identify each Cash Forecast Template. You can enter a code of up to 8 alphanumeric characters in this required field.
From this field you can further describe each Cash Forecast Template. You can enter a description up to 30 alphanumeric characters in this required field.
From this field you can enter a Major Subtotal break description. For example, you can describe the accounting operations terms that your company uses for its sub-systems (Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger), such as Total Forecasted Payments or Total Forecasted Cash Receipts.
You can enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters in this required field.
From this field you can enter a description for breaks at the group level. For example, you can describe the accounting operations terms that your company uses for its subsystems, such as Total AP Expense or Total Payroll Expense.
You can enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters in this required field.
From this field you can enter a description for breaks at the line level. For example, you can describe the accounting operations terms your company uses for its subsystems, such as Weekly EFT Upload or Check Run.
You can enter up to 30 alphanumeric characters in this required field.
Select this check box if you want outstanding PO commitments to be included in the cash forecast. A check box under the PO Commitments column will appear after you select a new line in the table window.
If you select this check box, the system will calculate and include all outstanding purchase order information in the cash forecast.
If you are not licensed for the Materials domain, the check box will not be visible in this column and this functionality will be disabled.
The Link to Accounts button accesses the Cash Forecast Template Account Linkage subtask. From there, you can assign selected accounts to each line of the cash forecast.
You must highlight a row before you select the Link to Accounts button. The accounts selected in the subtask will be linked to the highlighted line in the template.