Use this subtask to assign selected accounts to each line of the cash forecast. Assigning the accounts to specific lines creates the account totals which are presented and summed on the cash forecast.
Update this subtask whenever you add new cash forecast lines or change the accounts related to a specific line.
This non-editable field displays the data from the header in the Maintain Cash Forecast Templates screen.
This non-editable field displays the data from the header in the Major Subtotal Titles column for the highlighted row in the Maintain Cash Forecast Templates screen.
This non-editable field displays the data from the Group Headings column for the highlighted row in the Maintain Cash Forecast Templates screen.
This non-editable field displays the data from the Line Titles column for the highlighted row in the Maintain Cash Forecast Templates screen.
The table window in this group box displays all account numbers and names that are not assigned to the cash forecast template line with which you are working.
You can move up and down in the table window in several ways: slider, search, up and down arrows, page up, and page down. As you enter characters into the Search field, the contents of the table window scroll to the matching position in the table.
Select the accounts to link to the selected cash forecast line. You can select one at a time by clicking on the row. To select more than one, click the mouse and drag it down. To select multiple rows where they are not consecutive, press the SHIFT key while clicking on the additional rows.
The Lookup option is available and displays all active accounts from the ACCT table.
As you enter the account, the table window will scroll to that area of the chart of accounts.
The Number column displays the selected account numbers.
The Name column displays the account name that coincides with each account number.
Click this button to move any highlighted rows from the Accounts table window to the Selected Accounts table window.
Click this button to move any highlighted rows from the Selected Accounts table window back to the Accounts table window.
The accounts are saved in the CFT_TEMPLT_LN_ACCT table after the selection process is completed and the linked accounts are visible in the Selected Accounts group box.
The table window in this group box represents the accounts selected to be included in this cash forecast line when you click Select. Both the account Number and the account Name are displayed.
To deselect accounts, highlight the row(s) you want to remove, and use the Deselect button to move the highlighted rows back to the Accounts table window.
In the Selected Accounts group box, the Number column displays the account number and the Name column displays the account name.