Use this screen to specify the project billing formula, the level at which the billing will be calculated, the level at which supporting schedules can be printed, and which billing format to use for a specific project.
Project billing information should be set up for the following:
Any project that should have billings calculated for it;
Any project that requires supporting schedules based on units, cost, or hours transactions; and
Any project for which the bills will be manually entered through the Edit Project Product Bills, Edit Customer Product Bills, or Edit Manual Bills screens (all in Projects » Billing » Edit Billings).
All transaction journal posting programs will check for the existence of the project in this table and for a billing formula that is based on transactions. If the project is found in this table with a transaction-based billing formula, the posting program will select it and all of its lower levels for posting to the Open Billing Detail table. All transaction-based bills use information in the Open Billing Detail table to calculate bills.
Use this screen's subtasks to enter additional information about the billing detail levels, government form 1443s (progress payment bills), cash basis billing, and other miscellaneous information.
Set up this screen for any project that requires transaction-based billings, for any project that requires supporting schedules based on units, cost, or hours transactions, or for any project that you will manually enter in the Edit Project Product Bills, Edit Customer Product Bills, or Edit Manual Bills screens (all in Projects » Billing » Edit Billings).
Set up this screen before posting any transactions for the project. If you do not, you must manually enter information into the Open Billing Detail table, or use the Update Open Billing Detail screen (Projects » Billing » Utilities) to populate the table for Costpoint to calculate a complete billing.
If you have already created manual billings, you must enter the summary information in the Maintain Billing History screen so that the calculation programs will have amounts previously-billed-to-date. If you need to calculate retroactive billings, you also need to update the Maintain Closed Billing Detail screen (Projects » Billing » Billing History).
Before calculating any retroactive billings, run reports to ensure that the Billing History matches the Closed Billing Detail, or the retroactive billings computed may be incorrect. Refer to the special topics section for more information on calculating billings and on retroactive billings. Billing Special Topic BL-1, "Billing Flowcharts," contains a flowchart of the billing calculation process.
Enter, or use to select, a valid project for which
billings must be calculated, or for which billings will be manually entered
into Costpoint. The non-editable field to the right displays the project
name. Think carefully about your project number before you enter it. The
project number you enter here will establish the top level of the billing.
Also consider the billing formula, retainage requirements, and formats.
If you want all of these things to be consistent for the entire project
tree, you should establish project billing at level one of the project.
However, if some tasks of the projects posses unique billing requirements,
consider billing at lower levels of the project tree. Generally, you should
perform this type of analysis when you are establishing the project structure.
All transactions entered at the billing level defined here and below will
be included on an invoice when bills are calculated. Any transactions
that are entered above the level established here will not be included
on the invoice when bills are calculated.
This non-editable field displays the functional currency of your company.
Use the drop-down list to select the billing formula that applies to this project. This billing formula is used to calculate the bill for the project. Refer to Billing Special Topic BL-3, "Calculate Billings," for information on how each of the different formulas calculates bills.
There are two types of billings, transaction-based and manual. A transaction-based billing formula is generally based on the transactions that have been charged to the project. The Open Billing Detail table stores the transactional data that is used in the computation of the invoice. This data remains in the Open Billing Detail table until you post the bill. A manual billing is one that does not rely on transactions that have been posted to the project.
Billing rates are an integral part of the billing calculation. For more information on billing rates, see the documentation for the Project PLC Rates screen in Costpoint Project Setup.
The following is a list of the available billing formulas:
Cost Incurred Plus Fee On Cost - This is a transaction-based formula that summarizes the costs incurred by a project and applies burden and fee to those costs. When you calculate bills, the system uses the transactions in the Open Billing Detail table to calculate the invoice. The system calculates the burden using the provisional rates in the Pool Rates subtask of the Cost Pools screen (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Cost Pool Setup). The fee is calculated by applying the fee percent entered in this screen to the total of the costs and burden.
Cost Incurred Plus Fee On Hours - This is a transaction-based formula that summarizes the costs incurred by a project and applies burden and fee to those costs. When you calculate bills, the system uses the transactions in the Open Billing Detail table to calculate the invoice. The burden will be calculated using the provisional rates in the Pool Rates subtask of the Cost Pools screen (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Cost Pool Setup). The system calculates the fee by summarizing the hours incurred in the Open Billing Detail screen and applying the fee per hour entered in this screen.
Enter Bill Manually - Use this formula if you will be using the Edit Project Product Bills, Edit Manual Bills, or Edit Milestone/Percent Complete Bills screens (all in Projects » Billing » Edit Billings) to enter your billings. You must set up a record in this screen so that the system will recognize the project as billable. The system cannot calculate the invoice automatically if you use this formula. If you need to use the Pay When Paid functionality, you should select the Manual Bills with Unbilled Detail formula.
LLR W/Fee Plus Non-Labor W/Burden W/Fee - Use this formula to bill hours incurred times a billable rate with a fee on that amount plus non-labor costs and fee on non-labor costs. This is a transaction-based formula. The hours incurred, associated billing rates, and non-labor costs are taken from the Open Billing Detail table. You can set up billing rates in the Project Labor menu in Costpoint Project Setup. You must run the Load Labor Rates screen (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Revenue Processing or Projects » Billing » Prepare Billings) before the bill will calculate properly. The fee percents will be taken from the Labor Fee Percent and Non-Labor Fee Percent fields in this screen. (These fields will appear below the Formula drop-down list when you select this billing formula.)
Labor Cost Times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor Times Multiplier (Cost) - Use this formula to bill costs incurred times a multiplier. This is a transaction-based formula. The Labor and Non-labor cost amounts will be taken from the Open Billing Detail table. The cost amounts will be multiplied times the Labor Multiplier and Non-Labor Multiplier entered in this screen. (These fields will appear below the Formula drop-down list when you select this billing formula.)
Labor Cost times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor times Multiplier (Hours) - Use this formula to have a multiplier-based billing computed at actual labor rates. This is a transaction-based billing. It is different from the Labor Cost Times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor Times Multiplier (Cost) formula because it computes using actual hourly rates. Costpoint will calculate the actual hourly rate by dividing the labor cost by the hours incurred. The system will insert this rate into Open Billing Detail when you run the Load Labor Rates screen (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Revenue Processing or Projects » Billing » Prepare Billings). This rate will then be multiplied times the multiplier in this screen and then by the number of hours in Open Billing Detail. The purpose of this formula is to show a multiplier billing with an hours-based format.
Loaded Labor Plus Non-labor Plus Burden On Non-labor - Use this formula to bill hours incurred times a billable rate and burdened non-labor costs. This is a transaction-based billing. The hours incurred, non-labor costs, and the billing rate will be stored in the Open Billing Detail table. The provisional burden rate will be stored in the Pool Rates subtask of the Cost Pools screen (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Cost Pool Setup).
Loaded Labor Plus Non-labor W/Burden W/Fee - Use this formula to bill hours incurred times a billable rate and burdened non-labor costs with a fixed fee. This is a transaction-based billing. The hours incurred, non-labor costs, and the billing rate will be stored in the Open Billing Detail table. The provisional burden rate will be stored in the Pool Rates subtask of the Cost Pools screen (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Cost Pool Setup). You will enter the fee that will be applied to the non-labor costs in this screen.
Loaded Labor Rate - Use this formula to bill hours incurred times a billable rate. This is a transaction-based billing. The hours incurred and the billing rate will be stored in the Open Billing Detail table. No non-labor costs will be billed and no fee or burden will be applied when you use this formula.
Loaded Labor Rate Plus Cost Incurred On Non-labor (T&M) - Use this formula to bill hours incurred times a billable rate and non-labor costs at actual. This is a transaction-based billing. The hours incurred, non-labor costs, and the billing rate used in the calculation will be stored in the Open Billing Detail table. This formula is a standard Time and Materials billing.
Loaded Labor w/Burden w/Fee Plus Non-labor w/Burden W/Fee - Use this formula to bill hours incurred times a billable rate with fee and burden, and non-labor costs with fee and burden. This is a transaction-based billing. The hours incurred, non-labor costs, and the billing rate used in the calculation will be stored in the Open Billing Detail table. The provisional burden rate will be stored in the Pool Rates subtask of the Cost Pools screen (Projects » Cost and Revenue Processing » Cost Pool Setup). You enter the fee used in the calculation in this screen.
Manual Bills with Unbilled Detail - Use this formula if you will be entering bills in the Edit Project Product Bills, Edit Manual Bills, or Edit Milestone/Percent Complete Bills screens (all in Projects » Billing » Edit Billings) but wish to use the Pay When Paid functionality. The Pay When Paid functionality restricts payment to subcontractors or consultants until you have billed your customer and have been paid. The Pay When Paid functionality will not work for fixed-price billings unless you select this formula. If you use this formula, the system populates the Open Billing Detail table when you post transactions. Once the bill is posted, the transactions are moved to a transaction history table where they can be flagged as paid or unpaid. No automatic billing calculations are available with this formula.
Progress Payment - Use this formula to bill using Government Form 1443. If you select this formula, the calculated bill will be in the Edit Progress Payment Billings screen (Projects » Billing » Edit Billings) and you can print the bill from the Print Progress Payment Bills screen (Projects » Billing » Print Billings). This is a transaction-based bill. It will use data from the Maintain Open Billing Detail screen (Projects » Billing » Prepare Billings). See Billing Special Topic BL-6, "Progress Payment Bills," for more information.
Rate Schedule Times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor Cost Times Multiplier - Use this formula to bill hours using a variety of billing rates types. With this formula, you must use PLCs with all labor transactions. This is a transaction-based formula. You can set up each PLC to use rate types of B, A, or C. This formula effectively allows the labor portion of the billing to be calculated according to who or what group of employees is charging it. The Include Labor Multiplier in Billing Rate check box is available with this formula. Select this check box to allow the labor multiplier to be calculated in addition to the billing rate. The non-labor section is always computed using a multiplier.
Unit Price Transactions Only - Use this billing formula to bill only unit transactions. Selecting this formula will prevent transactions that are posted from Accounts Payable, Journal Entries, and Labor Distribution from populating the Open Billing Detail table. If you select this formula, Open Billing Detail will be populated only if you check the Post to Billings check box in the Enter Unit Usage screen (Projects » Billing » Units Usage). See Billing Special Topic BL-5, "Units," for more information on billing units. You should also use this formula if you wish to produce only scheduled bills.
These fields are located directly below the Formula drop-down list and will be disabled unless the selected billing formula requires additional information, such as a fee percentage, fee per hour, or multiplier rate. Enter the fee or rate for the billing formula here.
This check box is enabled only for billing rates that use a multiplier. When you select this check box, the rate you have entered in this group box as a labor multiplier will be included in the hourly billing rate. This check box is available only if you select Labor Cost times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor Times Multiplier (Hours) or Rate Schedule Times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor Cost Times Multiplier in the Formula drop-down list.
Use the fields in this group box to specify how retainage amounts, or withholding amounts, will be calculated for this project's billings.
Use the drop-down list to select the basis for the system-calculated retainage. It can be based on the total bill amount, the fee amount, or the T&M labor portion of the billing. Select None if you do not want retainage for this project's billings.
Use this drop-down list to calculate the retainage for each billing or as a final amount. Valid options are:
Final Based On Contract Value
Final Based On Funded Value
If you select either Final Based On Funded Value or Final Based on Contract Value, Costpoint calculates the bill and then applies the billing amount to retainage, once the amount billed exceeds the contract value less the retainage amount (retainage amount = retainage percentage multiplied by the contract value) When you post this bill, it changes the unbilled from general to retainage.
If you select Final Based on Funded Value or Final Based on Contract Value, you must designate a fee ceiling of B (Billings) or A (Both Revenue and Billings) in the Value Info group box of the Project Total Ceilings screen in Costpoint Project Setup. Without the billing ceilings, the system will be unable to calculate retainage on a Final Amount basis.
If the system has been set up to calculate retainage amounts, enter the percentage to use for retainage amounts calculation.
Enter the maximum amount, or ceiling, of the retainage that can be withheld.
In this group box you will select parameters for the computation and processing of the bills for this project. The options selected here will apply only to this project.
Use this check box to regulate the billing of partial transactions. If you select this check box, partial transaction billing will be allowed. If you do not select this check box, no partial transactions will be allowed. Partial transactions may exist due to a direct cost ceiling or on-hold amounts. For example, if you post a transaction to Open Billing Detail for $1000 and $400 is put on hold, a partial transaction exists in that record. The $600 that is not on hold will be included in the bill only if this check box is selected. Also, if a direct cost ceiling of $200 is put on an account and the only transaction posted to that account is $1000, the $200 under the cost ceiling will be included in the bill only if this check box is selected because the $200 is part of the whole transaction of $1000.
If items have been partially billed, they will appear more than once on supporting schedules (once for each partial billing). To avoid confusion, remind customers of this possible duplication.
If you select this check box, you can use the Edit Standard Bills screen (Projects » Billing » Edit Billings) to edit bills generated by Costpoint. By doing so, you can alter some of the amounts that Costpoint has calculated for the billings. When you post the bills, these amounts are also posted to history for future reference. If this check box is not selected, you cannot edit bills for this project in the Edit Standard Bills screen. The best method of changing incorrect amounts on an invoice is to make the correction using the same source as the original transaction. For example, if an incorrect PLC is used on a project, you should correct it using a correcting timesheet. The Adjustments in the Maintain Open Billing Detail screen (Projects » Billing » Prepare Billings) also provides an efficient way to correct a billing. Changing the bill in the Edit Standard Bills screen will cause a discrepancy between the bill and the source transactions.
If you select this check box, the system will bill items from Costpoint Accounts Payable only if they have been paid. Transactions from Labor, Journal Entries, or Units Usage will be billed automatically regardless of their payment status. Please note that accounts must be flagged as cash basis accounts in the Maintain Billing Accounts screen before you can select this check box to bill on a cash basis. You can also set up cash basis accounts by project in the Cash Basis subtask of this screen. After posting transactions to the project, you will also need to run the Update Cash Basis Information screen (Projects » Billing » Prepare Billings) before a cash basis bill can be calculated.
This check box is also used by the government 1443 bills to determine whether the bill should be calculated using "small-" or "large-business" calculations. Select this check box to compute the bill using "large-business" calculations, and use a cash basis billing. Leave this check box empty to compute the bill using "small-business" calculations, and do not use a cash basis billing.
Use this check box to control the use of the Adjustments in Open Billing Detail screen (Projects » Billing » Prepare Billings). If you select this check box, users can transfer, write off, or put transactions on hold using the Adjustments in Open Billing Detail utility. Journal Entries can be automatically created to record the adjustments. Leave this check box blank to have users use original entry sources to make corrections to billings.
If the Use Billing Cycles check box is selected and a default cycle is entered in the Billing Settings screen (Projects » Billing » Controls), the default cycle will appear in this field. You can enter a code or override the default code by selecting another valid billing cycle code. The system will use this code when you calculate, edit, print, and post bills. If you are not using billing cycles, this field is unavailable. You can set up billing cycles in the Billing Cycle screen (Projects » Billing » Controls). If the Use Billing Cycles check box is selected in the Billing Settings screen, this is a required field.
Enter, or use to select, a remittance address code
for this project. This remittance address will be printed on the top of
the invoice. You can enter remittance addresses in the Remittance Addresses
screen (Projects » Billing » Controls).
If you selected the Assign
Bills to User Groups check box in the Billing Settings screen (Projects » Billing » Controls), enter,
or use to select, a valid user group code. The system will
use this code when you calculate, edit, print, and post bills. If you
are not using billing user groups, this field is unavailable. If you selected
the Assign Bills to
User Groups check box in the Billing Settings screen, this field is
required. You can set up user groups in the Billing User Groups
screen (Projects » Billing » Controls).
Enter, or use to select, the state code that should
be identified with the project for tax purposes. You can enter state codes
in the Maintain States and Provinces screen (Others
» System Administration » System Codes).
Enter, or use to select, a terms code for this project.
You can set up terms in the Customer Terms screen (Accounting
» Accounts Receivable » Customer Controls).
Use this group box to select the billing format for this project.
Select this option to use one of your user-defined generic billing formats. In the blank field to the right, enter the generic billing format code that you want to use to determine what the billing format will look like for this bill. You can set up these formats in the Generic Billing Formats screen (Projects » Billing » Formats).
Select this option to use the Government 1443 (progress payment) billing format.
Select this option to print a standard Form 1035 bill for this project. 1035 bills use the account number to determine how to group costs for billing purposes. Pools are displayed separately.
Use this group box to determine the level at which to roll up the account and whether the billing format is T&M or Cost Plus.
Select this option to print a Cost Plus 1035 billing format.
Select this option to print a T&M billing format.
Enter the account level at which to roll up the costs for printing purposes.
Enter the supporting schedule format code, if any, for the detail supporting schedules you want to print for this project's billings. You can set up these user-defined formats in the Supporting Schedule Formats screen (Projects » Billing » Formats).
If you selected the Enable Project Specific Bill Numbering check box in the Billing Settings screen (Projects » Billing » Controls), enter the last bill number used by this project. This is an alphanumeric field. When the next bill is calculated, this number will be incremented by one. You should end the last bill number entered here with at least three numeric characters so that the system will have at least 999 bill numbers to use. Refer to the documentation for the Last Company Wide Invoice No check box in the Billing Settings screen for more information on how Costpoint increments bill numbers.
Click this button to open the Supporting Schedule Headers (Detail Bills) subtask and to set up lower level or "detail" bills.
Click this button to open the 1443 Info subtask and enter additional information if the bill type is a government 1443 (progress payment).
Click this button to open the Other Info subtask to enter information such as the bill heading, the option to limit billing transactions based on period of performance, pay when paid options, and inventory billing options. Use this subtask to select the currency for this project's invoices.
Click this button to open the Cash Basis subtask and identify which accounts are subject to cash basis billings. You can also set up cash basis accounts on a company-wide basis in the Maintain Billing Accounts screen (Projects » Billing » Controls). Do not set up an account in both places.
Click this button to open the Billings From Schedule subtask and enter billing lines and amounts that will appear on standard bills, depending on your predetermined schedule.
Click this button to open the Customer(s) subtask where you can assign a percentage of project responsibility to customers. This information is required. The customer will default into this subtask if the customer has been set up with a "D" bill code in the Maintain Customer screen. If the customer information appears as a default, you must still use this subtask to verify the customer before you can save the record. If no default information appears, you must enter a customer code.
Changes to this screen update the PROJ_BILL_INFO and the PROJ_INVC_PROJ tables.