Use this screen to approve those checks that exceed the limit set in the A/P Settings screen. If you selected the Set Limit checkbox in the A/P Settings screen, you also entered a Limit Amount. Any checks that fall under the limit are automatically approved. Any combination of vouchers that combine to form a check that exceeds the amount of the limit for automatic check approval must be approved in this screen. Each row on the main screen constitutes a summary row of all the vouchers that combine to make up a single check. To see the individual vouchers that underlie each check, highlight the row of the check and select the Check Detail pushbutton.

To maintain security over the check approval process, please restrict screen access to only those users in your company authorized to approve checks.

You must approve the vouchers that make up the checks before printing the checks. You can do this by changing the Approved column to "Y (Yes). This updates the field in all the vouchers that combine to make up that check. Once you have approved the checks, you can print them.

Note: You cannot access records that are in the process of being printed at the time this screen is open.

Cash Account Description

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid cash account description. Once you have entered a valid cash account description, the table will be populated with those records that match the cash account description.

Check Limit Amount

This non-editable field displays the Limit Amount specified in the A/P Settings screen. This check limit is displayed in your company's functional currency. To change this value, you must go to the A/P Settings screen.

Approver User ID

The user ID of the person approving the checks is displayed here for informational purposes only.

Table Window

The only field in the table window that is editable is the Approved column. The other fields are summations of the values of the vouchers that combine to comprise a single check. The following fields are editable in the Check Detail subtask: Discount Taken, Amount Retained, and Check Amount. If you change these values in the Check Detail subtask, the main screen total will reflect that change.

Pay Vendor

This field displays the pay vendor number.

Pay Vendor Name

This field displays the pay vendor name.

Joint Payee

This field displays the name of the joint payee, if any.

Address Code

This field displays the address code.

Payment Method

This non field displays the vendor payment method.

Func Currency Amount to Pay

This field displays the amount to be paid in your functional currency,


Use this column to approve the checks listed in the table. Changes to the Check Amount must be made in the Check Detail subtask. You can change the Approved column to "Y" (Yes) first, and update the Check Amount field in the Check Detail subtask afterwards. The system will allow changes to these fields by the user who approved the check.

Sep Chk

This field displays whether separate checks will print for each different voucher.

Func Currency Discount to Take

This field displays the amount of the discount to be taken in your functional currency.

Invoice Amount

This field displays the invoice amount.

Amount Retained

This field displays the amount retained for this voucher line.

Pay Curr

This field displays the code for the pay currency assigned to this voucher.

Check Amount

This field displays the check amount.

Discount Taken

This field displays the amount of the discount taken.

Approve All

Select this pushbutton to approve all checks.

Check Detail

Use this pushbutton to open the Check Detail subtask.