Use this subtask to view the detail for the checks listed in the table on the main screen. This subtask lists the vouchers that are combined to total the amount of the check on the main screen. You can change the Trans Curr, Amount to Pay, Discount To Take, Sep Chk, Address Code, Retainage Rate, and Amount Retained in this screen. If necessary, you can change the Retainage Rate and Amount to Pay fields later in the Edit Payment Status by AP Account or Vendor screen; however, you can make changes to approved vouchers only if you are the same user (tracked by ID) who approved the vouchers. This prevents other users from altering the check amount after approvals have been made.

Use this subtask to see the individual vouchers that comprise the check amount or when any of the following fields need to be changed: Discount Taken, Retainage Rate, and Check Amount.

Pay Vendor

These non-editable fields display the pay vendor ID, name, and location of the check row that was highlighted when the Check Detail pushbutton was selected.

Pay Currency

The code for the pay currency assigned to this voucher is displayed in this non-editable field. To change the pay currency, use the Exchange Rates subtask.

Check Amount

This field displays the total of the Pay Currency Vchr Check Amount column in the table below. You cannot directly edit the Pay Currency Vchr Check Amount column. To change the column, edit the number shown in the Amount to Pay column. You can divide the total check among any of the vouchers listed in the table.

Table Window

The only fields in this table that are editable are Amount to Pay, Discount To Take, Sep Chk, Address Code, Retainage Rate, and Amount Retained. For a complete discussion of the other fields, review the documentation for the Enter A/P Vouchers screen. The fields changed in this screen will automatically update the values of the summary rows in the main screen.

Amount to Pay

The total amount currently scheduled to pay on this voucher is displayed in this column in this voucher's transaction currency.

Discount To Take

This field displays the value, in the voucher's transaction currency, of the discount amount that will be taken on the check being approved. You cannot save the Approve Checks screen if the value in the Discount Amount field exceeds the amount of discount that is available to be taken.

Sep Chk

Enter "Y" (Yes) to print separate checks for each different voucher. Enter "N" (No) in this column to print all vouchers for this pay vendor on one payment.

Address Code

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the address code for this payment. The default address code for this voucher will be the default payment address from the Maintain Vendors screen.

Retainage Rate & Amount Retained

Enter a percentage up to two decimal places or tab to the Amount Retained column and enter an amount. You can either enter a percent for this voucher and the system will multiply the percent by the Amount to Pay to derive the amount on this detail line, or you can enter an amount in the Amount Retained column and the system will calculate a percent to be retained.

Exchange Rate

Select this pushbutton to open the Exchange Rates subtask.