When defining a new recurring voucher template, select the Template check box in the main screen and then access this subtask.

The only field on this subtask that requires entry is the Recurring Code field. You can specify a range of fiscal years, periods, and subperiods that defines the life of the recurring voucher. You can either leave the fields in the Date Range group box blank or you can specify a starting date, an ending date, or both. When you specify an ending fiscal year, period, and subperiod, Costpoint assumes that the recurring voucher is no longer needed after that period.

See Recurring Vouchers - Special Topic AP-8 for related conceptual information.


This field displays the voucher number from the main screen.


These fields display the vendor ID, the vendor name, and an extension from the main screen.

Recurring Code

Select a recurring code from the drop-down list. A recurring A/P voucher code is required for each recurring voucher template. The code specified defines the periods in which a voucher can be created.

Last Voucher Created

This group box contains non-editable fields that are updated by the Create Recurring A/P Vouchers process. Costpoint uses these dates to determine whether the recurring voucher has already been created for this period by displaying the last fiscal year, period, and subperiod in which this recurring voucher was created.

Date Range

If you leave the starting and ending fields blank, the recurring voucher can be created in any fiscal year that has been linked to its Recurring A/P Voucher Code.

Starting Fiscal Year, Period, Subperiod

If you want to set a limit on the earliest year in which a recurring voucher can be created, enter, or use the drop-down lists to select, a starting fiscal year, period, and subperiod.

Ending Fiscal Year, Period, Subperiod

If you want to set a limit on the latest year in which a recurring voucher can be created, enter, or use the drop-down lists to select, an ending fiscal year, period, and subperiod.

Ending Date

This field displays the ending date for the fiscal year, period, and subperiod selected.