Use this screen to set up codes that will be used in the Create Recurring A/P Vouchers screen. Each Recurring A/P Voucher Template must belong to one and only one code. In addition, an A/P Voucher Template can have a starting and ending period and subperiod. In the Link Periods subtask, define the periods and subperiods for each code.
For example, you can set up a code for "Monthly," then assign the first subperiod of each month to this code. Another example is "Quarterly," where you can assign the last subperiod of each quarter to the code.
In the Create Recurring A/P Vouchers screen, you must select the Recurring Voucher Code that is associated with the recurring vouchers you need to create. During this process, the system reads the A/P Voucher table to see which recurring A/P vouchers match the Recurring Voucher Codes you set up in Create Recurring A.P Vouchers screen.
Use this screen to set up the fiscal years, periods, and subperiods before initializing the Create Recurring A/P Vouchers screen. You must set up recurring AP voucher codes before you can enter a recurring voucher template.
Enter up to 15 alphanumeric, uppercase characters for the new code you wish to establish. This code will be assigned to the Recurring A/P Voucher templates.
Use this pushbutton to open the Link Periods subtask, which allows you to define the periods and subperiods belonging to a given Recurring A/P Voucher Code.