Use this screen to configure the selection criteria for downloading labor, non-labor, and revenue data from Costpoint to Resource Planning to provide actual costs and revenue for plans.
You must set up configuration options before creating interface instances that include actual labor, non-labor, or revenue data in the Interface Configuration and Scheduler function. You most post timesheets and sources of non-labor costs before executing the integration process.
Use this drop-down box to select the version of Resource Planning you are using.
Select this checkbox to download labor cost amounts and hours from timesheet history.
Select this checkbox to download non-labor cost amounts from the General Ledger.
Select this checkbox to download revenue amounts from the General Ledger.
Select this option to download cost and revenue information that is new or has changed in Costpoint since the last time the integration process was run. Uncheck this checkbox to download all applicable cost and revenue information, in accordance with the other options selected in this screen, regardless of the last time the process was run. Note that, depending upon the other selection criteria, leaving this checkbox unselected could result in an extremely high volume of data being processed.
Use this group box to control which projects are selected for processing.
Use this drop-down box to select the project ID range for the current parameter record. Options are "All," "One," "Range," "From Beginning," and "To End."
Enter the starting (in the From field) and ending (in the To field) project IDs for the current parameter record. When you use Lookup in either field, you can choose from a list of existing project IDs in Costpoint. If you selected the List Mode checkbox, enter the appropriate project IDs in the From and/or To fields and select the Apply pushbutton to add your selection to the list box.
Select this checkbox to create a customized, non-contiguous list of project IDs for the current parameter record. Begin by selecting the Range Option, and then populate the From and/or To fields. Once you complete your selection, apply it to the list box by selecting the Apply pushbutton. Repeat this process as many times as necessary so that you can specify the project IDs from which cost and revenue data will be selected and processed. To remove one of the range selections, highlight it in the list box and select the Remove pushbutton. The order of the selections in the list box does not affect the interface process. If you uncheck the List Mode checkbox while the list box is populated, the system will display the following warning message: "Changing Range Option will clear the Selection List Box field. Continue?" Select Yes to clear the list box of its current contents. Select No to return to the main screen.
Select this checkbox to download active projects.
Select this checkbox to download inactive projects.
Select this pushbutton to add the selected project IDs in the From and/or To fields to the list box. The interface will use only the project IDs in the list box (and the other settings in this screen) to download project data from Costpoint into Deltek Resource Planning. This pushbutton is enabled only if you select the List Mode checkbox.
To remove one of the project ID selections, highlight it in the list box and select the Remove pushbutton.
Use these options to control how project IDs are translated between Costpoint and Deltek CRM/GovWin/RP. Using project mapping, you can map specific segments of the Costpoint project ID to WBS1, WBS2, and WBS3. If you do not use project mapping, the entire Costpoint project ID will be assigned to WBS1, truncated at the level you select below.
Select this checkbox to use project level mapping.
Select this checkbox to use a default project-level mapping. By specifying a default project, you can set up a common level-mapping rule that can be used for some or all projects with a common structure for CRM/GovWin/RP.
Enter the top-level project ID whose level mapping definition will be used as a default during the integration process associated with this parameter. The default will be used if the project being translated does not have a specific mapping defined.
If you did not select the Use Project Level Mapping checkbox, enter the level at which you wish to represent projects in CRM/GovWin/RP. The value for this field must be between 1 and 15, inclusive.
Any project ID that is at a lower level in Costpoint will be truncated back to the specified level. For example, assume you specify a project level of 3. For any project ID at level 4 or below, only the first 3 levels will be included on the transaction sent to CRM/GovWin/RP. For project IDs at level 1, 2, or 3, the value sent will be identical to the Costpoint value.
Use this group box to specify how organization IDs will be translated between Costpoint and CRM/GovWin/RP. You can use the reorganization feature in Costpoint to set up an ORG structure exactly as you need it configured in CRM/RP, regardless of your actual Costpoint organization structure, or you can use your Costpoint organization IDs. If you use your existing Costpoint Orgs, you can choose the number of levels that will be represented.
Select this checkbox to use the reorganization structure.
Enter the top-level reorganization ID whose mapping definition will be used during this download.
Select this checkbox to exclude the top level of the reorganization ID during this download. This may be necessary if you are already using Reorg in Costpoint and the length of the top-level reorg element is not correct for CRM/GovWin/RP.
If you do not choose to use the reorganization option, enter the level at which you wish to represent org IDs in CRM/GovWin/RP. The value for this field must be between 1 and 5, inclusive.
Any org ID that is at a lower level in Costpoint will be truncated back to the specified level. For example, assume you specify a level of 3. For any org ID at level 4 or below, only the first 3 levels will be included on the transaction sent to CRM/GovWin/RP. For org IDs at level 1, 2 or 3, the value sent will be identical to the Costpoint value.
Use this group box to specify how labor categories and labor codes will be handled in the integration process. These options will be available only if you have selected the Labor Costs checkbox.
Select this checkbox to download Costpoint Project Labor Categories (PLCs) as labor categories.
Select this checkbox to download Costpoint PLCs as labor codes.
If you are downloading labor codes, enter the character to be used to fill the labor code values to the required length.
Select this checkbox to use account mapping to translate Costpoint accounts.
Select this pushbutton to open a subtask where you can specify the timesheet date range selection criteria for labor costs, and/or specify accounting period range selection criteria for non-labor costs and revenue.