After employees have completed their open enrollment benefits elections changes in ESS, you can use this screen to view, change, confirm, or approve these elections for each employee. After you have approved elections in this screen or in the Approve ESS Benefit Elections by Plan screen, and uploaded them into Costpoint (using the Activate Pending Benefits Elections screen), you can modify benefits information for employees in the Employee Benefit Elections screen in Costpoint Employee (Costpoint Benefits in Costpoint 4.0). Administrators can also use this screen to view and edit dependents' elections and Flexible Spending Account (FSA) information.
You should review the data in this application when an employee completes the open enrollment process in ESS. An employee’s open enrollment benefit elections must be approved before they can be selected for activation in the Activate Pending Benefit Elections screen.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ID of the employee whose open enrollment benefit elections you would like to view/change. You must first run the Populate Open Enrollment Benefit Option/Election Tables application for the employee before you can enter a new record, and the employee must have already completed his elections in ESS before you can edit them. The employee name displays in the field to the right.
This table window displays all current open enrollment benefit elections (except FSA information, which is viewable in the ESS FSA Elections subtask) for the employee. If you set the Approved field to "Y" (Yes) for a line and save the record, the Approved field in the Dependent ESS Benefit Election subtask will also be set to "Y" (Yes) for the selected benefit election. When the employee election is changed, the system will confirm that the dependent election matches the employee election. Likewise, if an employee election is deleted, the corresponding dependent election will also be deleted.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the code for the benefit plan you want assigned to this employee's benefit elections. The benefit plan must already exist in the package that has been assigned to the employee in the Employee Benefit Elections screen in Costpoint Employee (Costpoint Benefits in Costpoint 4.0). This is a required field.
This field displays the name assigned to the code in the Benefit Plan field.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the coverage option for this employee's benefit plan. The items available for Lookup display from the Coverage Options subtask of the Benefit Plan Setup screen in Costpoint Benefits.
This field displays the name of the Coverage Option.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether or not dependents are required for the benefit plan. To change the value in this field, edit the Dep Req field in the Coverage Options subtask of the Benefit Plan Setup screen in Costpoint Benefits.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether or not dependents are elected to the employee's benefit plan in the Assign Dependents to Benefit Plans screen in Costpoint Employee (Costpoint Benefits in Costpoint 4.0).
This non-editable field displays the date from the Plan Year Start Date field in the ESS Company Settings screen for the taxable entity ("company" in Costpoint 4.0) that is assigned to the employee.
This field displays the date from the Plan Year End Date field in the ESS Company Settings screen for the taxable entity ("company" in Costpoint 4.0) that is assigned to the employee.
This field displays the coverage amount for which the employee is eligible. The system calculates this value using the settings for the coverage option from the Coverage Options subtask of the Benefit Plan Setup screen in Costpoint Benefits.
This field displays the name of the benefit type.
This field displays the premium amount that is deducted from the employee's paycheck. The system calculates this value using the settings for the coverage option from the Coverage Options subtask of the Benefit Plan Setup screen in Costpoint Benefits.
Enter the primary care physician's name or identifying information in this field.
Enter the primary care physician number in this field.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether or not the ESS election has been saved in the system. You can edit this field.
This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether or not the ESS election has been confirmed in the system by the ESS Administrator. You can edit this field.
If the benefit plan requires approval (i.e., the Requires Approval checkbox is selected for the benefit plan in the Benefit Plan Setup screen), this field will display "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether or not the ESS election has been approved by the ESS Administrator. You can change this value. However, if the benefit plan does not require approval (i.e., the Requires Approval checkbox is not selected), this field will display "N/A" (Not Applicable) and cannot be changed to "Y" or "N." When you set this field to "Y" (Yes) for the selected benefit option line and save the record, the Approved field in the Dependent ESS Benefit Election subtask will also be set to "Y" (Yes) for all dependent election lines.
Select this pushbutton to open the Dependent ESS Benefit Election subtask, where you can view and change dependent open enrollment ESS elections for dependents that are assigned to the employee.
Select this pushbutton to open the ESS FSA Elections subtask, where you can view and change annual open enrollment medical and dependent care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) elections.