Use this screen to manually enter specific state and local tax data for submission to CTS. Upon creating a Periodic or Quarterly tax file, the Create CTS Tax File application reads the appropriate table to determine whether data is assigned to a particular CTS Client ID for the period or quarter being reported and, if so, includes that data in the file.
Clients shall use this data field to specify the CTS Client ID to which the periodic tax data applies. This is a required field. Clients may manually enter a value, or use Lookup to select, a CTS Client ID.
If the Use Pay Cycle for Client ID checkbox is checked for the login company in the CTS Settings screen, this data field can only be populated with the pay cycle codes linked to the login company in the Pay Cycle (PAY_PD) table.
Otherwise, if the Use Pay Cycle for Client ID checkbox is not checked for the login company in the CTS Settings screen, this data field can only be populated with a CTS Client ID from the child table in the login company’s CTS Settings screen.
Click this button to access the Periodic Tax Data subtask. You can instead launch this subtask by pressing ALT-P on your keyboard.
Click this button to access the Quarterly Tax Data subtask. You can instead launch this subtask by pressing ALT-Q on your keyboard.