Personal Account Settings

Depending on your role and permissions, you can customize your language settings, user preferences, and notifications.


Choose any of these languages as your preferred working language:
  • English
  • 中文 (Japanese)
  • 日本語 (Chinese)

For integrators, you can disable the languages menu (globe icon) if you have other language management options.

For Account Administrators, you can set the default language for all new users added to the account from the Account Settings page. For more information, see Settings.

User Preferences

Account settings are the basic configuration decisions you make on your ConceptShare account. They allow you to control settings related to items such as standard date and time format, upload parameters, and email notifications.


Notification settings enable you to aggregate email notifications from ConceptShare into digests so that you can control the volume of emails that you receive.

By default, the system sends you an email per Asset or comment that is added to each Project of which you are a part.

You can create multiple digests to manage how often you receive notifications related to Assets or comments. ConceptShare does not impose a limit to the number of comments or Asset notifications that can be included in an email digest.