Enable Watermark Protection on Assets

When this setting is enabled, the option to apply watermark text on an Asset during Asset upload becomes available in the Add Asset dialog and Review Builder.

To enable this setting, you must have the Account Administrators role, or a custom account role with the following permission set to Yes:
  • Manage account settings

To enable watermark protection:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. At the top right corner of your screen, click the Gear Wheel Gear Wheel > Settings.
  3. On the Settings page, navigate to the Watermark section and set the following setting to On:
    • Allow assets to have watermark protection
  4. In the Default watermark text field, specify custom text. This will be part of the watermark image overlay.
    Note: If no value is specified, the default value, the user ID of the person viewing the asset and the view date, is used.
  5. In the User identification to include in watermark field, choose from the following options:
    • User ID Number
    • Email Address
  6. Click Save and refresh the page.