Delete a Review from a Chain

You can delete a review as long as it is the last or the only review in the chain.

Note: You must have relevant permissions to edit / delete a review.

To delete a review from a chain:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. In the Navigation panel, click Projects.
  3. On the Projects dashboard, click the project that is associated with the review that you want to delete.
  4. On the Project screen, click the Reviews tab.
  5. Select the review.
    The Review sidebar opens to the right.
  6. In the Review sidebar, click the REVIEW CHAIN tab.
  7. On the toolbar of the last Review card, click Delete .
  8. When prompted for confirmation, click Yes.
Note: You can delete the review directly from the Review screen by selecting the review and clicking Delete on the Review screen toolbar. Alternatively, in the grid, you can right-click the review and select Delete.

If you have the Review Builder open, you can delete the last review in the chain by clicking Review Chain and then on the review card.

Note: To delete a review in JIRA, navigate to the Issue Card associated with the review. Under ConceptShare Review, click Configure to open the Review Builder. In the Review Builder, you can delete the last review in the chain by clicking Review Chain and then on the review card.