Review Chains

As a coordinator, you can use review chains to set up your review and approval process by creating reviews in advance, and organizing them in a way that makes sense to you. Review chains can help you maintain an organized, unified, and streamlined review and approval process.

Review chains allow you to:
  • Create the reviews in advance
  • Control when each review in a chain starts
  • Control access permission to the reviews and associated assets

Review chains help organize your workflow by allowing you to create reviews in advance and start them whenever appropriate. Each review in a chain can be configured to have a different set of participants and assets, as well as a start rule and due date.

Setting up reviews in this manner gives you the flexibility to invite both internal and guest reviewers to specific stages in the chain when it is time for them to participate - effectively limiting or allowing them access to information only when appropriate.

For example, you want to set up a chained review for a marketing campaign that launches in a few months. You can create three reviews for this purpose:

  • Review 1 is the "Internal Design Team Review," in which you invite the members of the design team as participants. You can set it to start immediately.
  • Review 2 is the "Client Review," in which you invite the clients as guest reviewers. You can set it to start immediately, simultaneous with Review 1.
  • Review 3 is the "Final Director Approval" before the piece goes to production. You can choose to start this review manually, such as when the responses from Reviews 1 and 2 have been submitted and the feedback on the assets applied.
Note the following:
  • The sequence of the reviews in a chain is determined by the order in which you create the reviews. Changing a review's position within a chain is currently not supported.
  • Only the review at the end of a chain can be deleted.
    Note: You must have relevant permissions to edit / delete a review.