
This section includes enhancements in this release.

Check Register Added to Report Menu

You can now also find the Check Register Report in Accounts Payable > Reports > Check Register.

Attachments Collapse and Expand Buttons and Defaults

On all Attachments tabs, you can now use Collapse and Expand to navigate attachments at a folder level. You can assign a default Attachments Tree view in Configure > System Parameters > Configure User. You can also click the User icon on the main task bar and select Configure User. Configuring a default view controls the initial view when you access the Attachments tab.

Pay Period Displayed in Report Header of Payroll Register

When you print a payroll register using the clipboard, email, and printer options, the pay period is now displayed in the report header.

Enable Classic Main Menu Setting for Users

When you edit user settings as a PW MAINT user, you can now select the Allow Classic Main Menu checkbox under Special Settings. Selecting the Allow Classic Main Menu checkbox enables the classic main menu for the user and displays the Workflow Menu and Classic Menu options in View. Clearing the Allow Classic Main Menu checkbox defaults the user menu to the Workflow menu.

The Allow Classic Main Menu checkbox is selected by default.

Payment Details in Accounts Payable Reports and Inquiries

Where applicable, you can now view the payment method and payment accountfor Accounts Payable Invoices in the following Accounts Payable reports:
  • Invoice Inquiry
  • Paid Invoice by Vendor or Job
  • Vendor Invoice Inquiry
Note: Special payment types, such as Nvoicepay, ACH, and Comdata are also displayed when the special payment method is used. For payments with the Normal payment type in Accounts Payable > Maintenance Programs > Checking Account Maintenance, the payment method value is displayed as the payment type.

Job Cost Detail Links to Accounts Payable Options

You can now view voucher numbers, edit an invoice, and view attachments through inquiries when the Job Cost Detail Report is displayed. When you select an Accounts Payable invoice item in the Job Cost Detail report on the Job Detail Report window, the following options are now displayed:
  • Invoice Inquiry Report: Displays the invoice inquiry report related to the invoice item selected
  • Edit voucher: Where applicable, displays the Invoice window (Accounts Payable > Edit an Invoice) and Information dialog box
Note: This enhancement is only applicable for invoices created after the release of ComputerEase 24.1.

Voucher Number in QTool Job Cost Detail Report

When you create a QTool Job Cost Detail Report, you can now select Voucher Number as an option to include in the report on the Add Columns window. This displays the Voucher Number column in the QTool Job Cost Detail Report.
Note: This enhancement is only applicable for data created after the release of ComputerEase 24.1.

Expense Option for Job Cost Department General Ledger Accounts

When you edit an expense type on the Type Information window (Accounts Payable > Expense Management > Work on Types), you can now select the Allow J/C Dept Override checkbox.
When you create an expense using the expense type with the Allow J/C Dept Override checkbox selected, the Account field on the Expense window (Accounts Payable > Expense Management > Work on Reimbursable Expense or Work on Non-Reimbursable Expenses) is automatically filled with the general ledger account information using the following hierarchy:
  • Category (Department)
  • Phase (Department)
  • Job (Department)
  • Job cost parameters
  • Default cost code from expense

Alert Tolerance Settings Relocated to Role Maintenance

You can now find the Time Entry Alerts over field and Hours Entry Alerts over field on the Role window when creating or editing a role (Configure > Field Management > Role Maintenance). You can edit the values of the Time Entry Alerts over field and Hours Entry Alerts over field when you select the Enable Time checkbox.
These fields were previously located on the Time Entry tab of the Payroll Parameters window.
Note: The values you assigned before ComputerEase 24.1 on the Payroll Parameters window will automatically populate on each of your roles in ComputerEase 24.1.

General Ledger Account Import for CEI Files

When you click File > Import..., you can now select a CEI file and import the file on the Import Accounts dialog box for a general ledger account.

Revised Error Message Displayed for Paying an Expense Without a Checking Account

The error message displayed when you try to pay for an expense on the Work on Reimbursable Expenses window (Accounts Payable > Expense Management > Work on Reimbursable Expenses) without an existing checking account was revised. The error message now specifies which missing checking account was not found.

Form 941 for 2024

ComputerEase now uses the 2024 version of the Form 941. The fields on the 2024 941 Form window (Payroll System > Reports > Tax Reporting > 941 Reports > Print 941 Form) were also updated to match the 2024 version of the Form 941.

Permission for Invoicing Purchased Orders for a Closed Job

On the General tab of the Setup window (Configure > System Parameters > Accounts Payable Parameters), you can now select the Allow invoicing for PO's/Subcontracts on closed jobs checkbox to allow entering an Accounts Payable Invoice for purchase order on a closed job.

If the Post to a Closed Job checkbox on the User Settings window for the relevant user and the Allow invoicing for PO's/Subcontracts on closed jobs checkbox are cleared, an error message is now displayed when trying to enter an Accounts Payable Invoice for a purchase order on a closed job.

SOC not Required for Export of South Carolina RTS for 2023

When you export a South Carolina SUTA report for 2023 on the Export Reconciliation Summary dialog box as payroll services user, an error message requiring SOC codes no longer displays.

Colorado FAMLI Option in Deduction Maintenance and Fringe Maintenance

For Colorado's new definition of gross wages, you can now add a Colorado FAMLI tax setting in Deduction and Fringe Maintenance. This enables you to specify if each of your deductions or fringes are considered gross income when calculating Colorado FAMLI.

On the State Taxable Settings window, you can now select the Colorado FAMLI checkbox. You can display the State Taxable Settings window by clicking Edit under the State Taxable checkbox on the Deduction Maintenance window or Fringe Maintenance window (Payroll System > Maintenance Programs > Deduction Maintenance or Fringe Maintenance).

When updating ComputerEase to 24.1, the new Colorado FAMLI checkbox will follow the setting of Colorado from the Taxable Settings, Stat Taxable, Exemptions area. You can edit this setting as needed. Also, when you print a Payroll Register, calculations are now based on the Colorado FAMLI deduction and fringe maintenance settings and the Year to Date Report for FAMLI is recalculated as needed.
Note: This setting is applicable for 2024 calculations and reporting.