Software Issues Resolved

This section includes software issues resolved in this release.

Profit and Loss Statement in Historical with Percent Format Displayed Incorrect Period Order

Defect 2108716: When you generated a Profit and Loss Statement in the Historical with Percent format with the Period Order set to Ascending and opened a balance item, the wrong month was displayed and the period order was arranged in descending order.

Job and Customer Information Not Displayed on the Work in Progress Center Window

Defect 2112026: In the header section of the Work in Progress Center window, the following were not displayed when you selected a single job display:
  • Job number
  • Job name
  • Customer number
  • Customer name

Inactive Vendors Displayed on the Captured Vendors and Purchase Orders Window

Defect 2114179: After you scanned an Accounts Payable Invoice attachment using ICR, inactive vendors were displayed in the Suggested Vendor section of the Captured Vendors and Purchase Orders window.

Error Displayed After You Attached an Invoice with a Purchase Order Number

Defect 2114338: When you attached an invoice with a purchase order number referenced on the Attachments window, an error dialog box was displayed. This was applicable only when purchase orders were not interfaced to accounts payable.

Second Printed Copy of Many Reports Blank

Defect 2114656: When you selected to print 2 copies of a report, the second printed copy was blank.