
This section includes enhancements in this release.

Ability to Add Reimbursable and Non-Reimbursable Expenses from ComputerEase

On the Work on Reimbursable Expenses window or Work on Non-Reimbursable Expenses window (Accounts Payable > Expense Management > Work on Reimbursable Expenses or Work on Non-Reimbursable Expenses), you can now add expenses directly into ComputerEase using Create Expense.

You can click Create Expense to display the Expense window where you can do the following:
  • Specify expense information such as user, merchant, cost code, and equipment information
  • Add PDF and JPG files such as receipts
  • Approve or pay the created expense

Added Equipment Expense Type

Note: This enhancement is compatible with ComputerEase Field 1.5.
On the Work on Types window (Accounts Payable > Expense Management > Work on Types), the following enhancements were made:
  • Work on Types now includes a Cost Type for Equipment.
  • The G/L Account column was renamed as the Default G/L Account column. On the Type Information window, the Default Account field is optional. If left blank, the Default G/L Account column will default to the value in the Default Cost Type column.
  • The Cost Code column was renamed as the Default Cost Code column.
  • The Type column was renamed as the Default Cost Type column.
  • A Default Equipment column was added.

Added Expense Type as a Filter Option in Access Groups

On the Access Group window (Configure > Field Management > Access Group Maintenance), an expense type filter was added.

When you select Filtered and then select the Allow checkbox, you can enable ComputerEase Field expense users to create and submit expenses by type.

Equipment and Equip Code Columns in QTool Expense Report

Note: This enhancement is compatible with ComputerEase Field 1.5.

When you generate a QTool Expense Report, Equipment and Equip Code columns are now included.

Ability to Edit Submitted Card for Expense Submissions

The following enhancements were made on the Expense window for Work on Non-Reimbursable Expenses:
  • You can now change the payment method in the Card field for expenses submitted that have an Open or Approved status
  • The Name field is now located above the Card field. This enables the user to view who submitted the expense and view the cards available for that user.

Ability to Add PDF Receipt Attachments to Expenses

In addition to JPG and BMP files, you can now also view, save, and download PDF receipts, including PDFs with multiple pages, for the following Expense Management items:
  • Work on Reimbursable Expenses
  • Work on Non-Reimbursable Expenses

Assign Approval Teams within Create/Edit a Job

Note: This enhancement is compatible with ComputerEase Field 1.5.

Approval Teams for approving ComputerEase Field time entries can now be assigned to jobs. On the Payroll tab of the Job Code window (Job Costing System > Job Maintenance > Create/Edit a Job), a prompt is now available to assign an approval team.

Ability to View the Approver in Labor Distribution Entries

Note: This enhancement is compatible with ComputerEase Field 1.5.

On the Labor Distribution: Employee Code and Name window and Labor Distribution Job: Job Code window (Payroll System > Enter Labor Distribution by Employee or Enter Labor Distribution by Job), an Approver field is now available to be viewed on the Configure Time Entry window (File > Configure Time Entry). You can also assign the Approver to display through the Configure Time Entry window.

The Approver field will contain the username of the individual that has approved an employee's time entry from ComputerEase Field.

Time Center Retrieve Can Be Performed for an Approval Team

Note: This enhancement is compatible with ComputerEase Field 1.5.

On the Filter dialog box, you can use the Approval Team field as a filter to manually retrieve unsigned or unapproved ComputerEase Field time entries.

You can access the Filter dialog box by clicking Retrieve on the Time Center window (Payroll System > Time Center).

Descending and Ascending Sort for General Ledger Historical Reports

With Historical or Historical with Percent report formats, you can now sort periods in descending or ascending order using the Period Order field when you print the following reports:
  • Balance Sheet
  • Profit and Loss Statement
  • Statement of Cash Flows

Added Created By, Approved By, and Option to Display Job Name to Labor Distribution Report by Employee with Signature

When you generate the Labor Distribution Report by Employee with Signature, Approved By and Created By columns are now included.

On the Labor Distribution with Signature Report window (Payroll System > Labor Distribution Report > by Employee with Signature), you now also have the option include or exclude the job name.

Created By Column on the Time Center Window

When you right-click a column on the Time Center window (Payroll System > Time Center), you can now select Created By as an optional column to view. The Created By column contains the username of who created the ComputerEase Field time entry, or the username of the user entered in the Labor Distribution of ComputerEase.

ComputerEase Field Tolerance Settings in Payroll Parameters for Discrepancy Alerts

Note: This enhancement is compatible with ComputerEase Field 1.5.
On the Time Entry tab of the Payroll Parameters window (Configure > System Parameters > Payroll Parameters), you can now configure the following for ComputerEase Field:
  • Timer Entry Alerts over: This field accepts only whole numbers that represent minutes.
  • Hours Entry Alerts over: This field accepts numbers up to 2 decimal places only.

These settings control when alerts are generated for flagged entries that exceed the tolerance specified. The tolerance is calculated from the difference of the geo arrival time or departure time entries, or both compared against the start and stop entries of a user. When you leave the Time Entry Alerts over field and Hours Entry Alerts over field blank, an alert will be generated for all entries in ComputerEase Field.

Notification for No SUTA State Assigned to Employees

On the Payroll Register window (Payroll System > Print Payroll Register), an Error dialog box is now displayed if there are employees with no SUTA state assigned in Employee Maintenance.

Prevent Payroll Posting with Checking Account Not Yet Configured for Direct Deposit

An error message is now displayed when you attempt to post a payroll that contains direct deposits on the Print Checks/Post Payroll window (Payroll System > Print Checks/Post Payroll) for an account not yet configured for direct deposit.

Payroll service users must have Deltek Payroll as the Account Type on the Main tab of the Account Code window (Accounts Payable > Maintenance Programs > Checking Account Maintenance).

Quarter Checkbox Enhancement for OR PFMLI, WA PFAML, and WA CARES in Employee Maintenance

On the Advanced Tab of the Employee Code Employee Name window (Payroll System > Maintenance Programs > Employee Maintenance), you can now individually select the following quarter checkboxes indicating participation:

Paid Leave Report No Longer Performs Catch-Up Calculations

When you enable Paid Family Leave participation for any state on the Advanced Tab of the Employee Code Employee Name window (Payroll System > Maintenance Programs > Employee Maintenance), catch-up calculations for prior wages are no longer performed.

Travel as Work Location Option for Job Maintenance

On the Category window of a job (Job Costing System > Job Maintenance > Create/Edit a Job), you can now select Travel in the Work Location field. When Travel is assigned to a category on a job, Travel is selected by default as the Location for time entries such as the following:
  • Labor distribution entries
  • FieldEase entries
  • ComputerEase Field entries
  • Imported time entries

If the created entry has a forced location, this will overwrite the default from the category.

When you import categories on the Job Code window, Travel is now available as a field for import. Travel is categorized as "3" in the workloc column on the Import window.

Ohio Withholding Tax Tables and Rates

ComputerEase now uses the recently revised 2023 withholding tax tables and rates of Ohio.

To view the withholding tax table or rate of Ohio, click Payroll System > Maintenance Programs > Tax Rate Maintenance > State tax Table Maintenance. On the State Tax Table Maintenance dialog box, enter OH. And then, on the Year OH Tax Settings window, click the appropriate tab.

Added Invoice History Report to Accounts Receivable Report Menu

You can now access the Invoice History Report by clicking Accounts Receivable > Reports > Invoice History Report. Before, you were able to access the Invoice History Report in the Receivables Center only.

To enable access to the Invoice History Report, log in as PW MAINT and select Programs > Accounts Receivable > Reports > Invoice History Report on the User Settings window.