
This section includes enhancements in this release.

Import User-Defined Field (UDF) Values for General Ledger Accounts

On the Account ... window (General Ledger > General Ledger Account Maintenance), Import Accounts... under File was renamed to Import from Another Company.... As long as both companies have the same account number format, you can use Import from Another Company... to copy one or more accounts from one company to another.

Under File, an Import from File option was also added. With Import from File, you can now create a flat file import layout to import general ledger information including User-Defined Field values. You can also use Import from File to globally add User-Defined Field data across your Chart of Accounts through a spreadsheet import.

Geo Arrival, Departure, and Job Presence of ComputerEase Field Time Entries for QTool Reports

Time Center is now able to record information about geo arrival, departure, and job presence for ComputerEase Field time entries. Therefore, where applicable, you can now generate a QTool report with the following information:
  • Geo Arrival Date
  • Geo Arrive Time
  • Geo Departure Date
  • Geo Departure Time
  • Geo Hours
  • Geo Job Presence

User Maintenance Setting for Signing Other Employees' Entries

On the Role window (Configure > Field Management > Role Maintenance), you can now select the Allow Signing Other Employees Entries checkbox. This enables the user in ComputerEase Field to sign time entries for their employees on their behalf.

The Allow Signing Other Employees Entries checkbox is only available when the Enable Time and Allow Multiple Employee Entries checkboxes are selected.

Auto-Populate Employee Information in User Maintenance

On the User window (Configure > Field Management > User Maintenance), when you add or update the Employee field, a prompt is displayed to confirm auto-population of the employee name, address, email, and phone number from an employee's Employee Maintenance record.

Also, the Employee field is now moved from the right side to the left side of the User window. The Employee field is always available as an optional field. However, the Employee field is required when the employee has a role with Enable Time selected in Field Management > Role Maintenance.