23.2 Release Notes

These release notes topics contain a summary of features, enhancements, and software issues resolved made to ComputerEase 23.2.

For the PDF version of the release notes, view the following link:


The following is a list of enhancements for this release:
  • Ability to Add Reimbursable and Non-Reimbursable Expenses from ComputerEase
  • Added Equipment Expense Type
  • Added Expense Type as a Filter Option in Access Groups
  • Equipment and Equipment Code Column Fields in QTool Expense Report
  • Ability to Edit Submitted Card for Expense Submissions
  • Ability to Add PDF Receipt Attachments to Expenses
  • Assign Approval Teams within Create/Edit a Job
  • Ability to View the Approver in Labor Distribution Entries
  • Time Center Retrieve Can Be Performed for an Approval Team
  • Descending and Ascending Sort for General Ledger Historical Reports
  • Added Created By, Approved By, and Option to Display Job Name to Labor Distribution Report by Employee with Signature
  • Created By Column on the Time Center Window
  • ComputerEase Field Tolerance Settings in Payroll Parameters for Discrepancy Alerts
  • Notification for No SUTA State Assigned to Employees
  • Prevent Payroll Posting with Checking Account Not Yet Configured for Direct Deposit
  • Quarter Checkbox Enhancement for OR PFMLI, WA PFAML, and WA CARES in Employee Maintenance
  • Paid Leave Report No Longer Performs Catch-Up Calculations
  • Travel as Work Location Option for Job Maintenance
  • Ohio Withholding Tax Tables and Rates
  • Added Invoice History Report to Accounts Receivable Report Menu

Software Issues Resolved

The following is a list of software issues resolved for this release:
  • QTool Job Cost Category Totals Report Calculation Ignored Parameters Setting for Calculation of Revised Estimates
  • Printed Job Center Did not Use Job Totals File
  • ComputerEase Crashed when Variable emp_reducing_fringes is Used in a Calculate on Gross Pay after Taxes Fringe Formula
  • Hours in Invoices with I/C and A/P Updates Could Show Duplicated on Reports
  • ComputerEase Froze when You Entered Tax Settings for a New State after Clicking Ellipsis Menu
  • Possible Duplicate Key for Employees with Deleted Labor Distribution Entries