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CalculateProgressServiceArguments Properties

The CalculateProgressServiceArguments type exposes the following members.

Public propertyControlAccountUidList A list of Control Account CAWPID values that represents the list of Control Accounts that you want to calculate progress for.
Public propertyExcludedProgressTechniques The list of Progress Techniques that determines which Work Packages will be excluded when progress is calculated. Optional. Default is null.
Public propertyForceBaseSPI Determines whether the schedule performance index (SPI) values for apportioned work packages are updated to match the source work package values. Optional. Default is false.
Public propertyLog Determines the comment, change number and 'significant' setting for changes that affect the log. See ProjectAuditLogDescription.
Public propertyProgressMethod Determines the method used to calculate progress. See ProgressMethod. Optional. Default is Budget.
Public propertyProject The project that will have progress calculated.
Public propertyUseAdjustingEntry Determines whether an adjusting entry is added to the work package to zero out existing progress entries instead of deleting them. Optional. Default is true.
See Also